The Blue Bikini

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A/N: so I'm being really bad and taking a mini break from my other story. I decided to write this little (okay huge) oneshot because I'm on vacation. What does an island vacation mean to me? The beach! So here goes... (0.0)

Disclaimer: If I were Rumiko Takahashi, let's just say Sesshomaru would spend a lot more of his time shirtless. Lucky for him (and not so much for us), I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters.

Beaches, Bastards, Bikinis, Oh My!

~Sesshomaru's POV~

He hated the beach. The potent brine of the sea assaulted his delicate sense of smell and the miniscule grains of sand always seemed to find their way into his long hair. Under normal circumstances, he would never think to go to such a place, but Rin had wanted to. It was her birthday today; Or rather, the anniversary of the day he had revived her with Tenseiga. The child followed him unflinchingly and rarely asked for anything so as not to burden him. To that effect he had decided to grant her one wish. As he watched the waves crash at the shore before retreating again and sending their strong scent across the beach, he could not help but regret his decision a bit. However, as he looked at the girl chasing seagulls and laughing merrily, he decided to quell his personal feelings for the time being.

He was getting uncomfortably warm in his armor and kimono, so he decided to take both off; though he kept his hakama and still held his swords at his side. He figured that there was nothing around that was powerful enough to require his armor. He retired to the shade of a tree where the sand met the forest floor. There he watched his ward continue to chase the seagulls as his vassal, Jaken, shouted his displeasure to deaf ears. Two hours of swimming and chasing followed and things had started to calm down somewhat. He continued his silent vigil as Rin attempted to make a sand replication of his castle in the western lands. All of a sudden the steady breeze carried a series of unpleasant smells; the most unpleasant being the scent of his half-brother. He also noted the scents of the miko, slayer, kit, and monk that always seemed to travel with the half-breed. 'Wonderful,' he thought with deep resentment, 'there goes one the few moments of peace that are so rare for this Sesshomaru.' The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Outwardly of course he showed none of these emotions. Not wanting to ruin Rin's day, he decided to let things play out as it were.

Minutes later, the hanyou's traveling party came within sight as they walked along the stretch of beach. Inuyasha was dressed in his usual bright red clothing, but the monk, the slayer, and the miko were all in odd garments he had never seen before. The monk was dressed in short pants that cut off just past his knees and something similar to those strange tops the girl often wore; it had short sleeves and looked to be made of cotton. The slayer wore a simple tunic dress that covered the outline of a peculiar one piece undergarment. The miko was clad in a similar dress to the slayer, but did not have the same odd outline. He watched silently; the inu in him curious as to why they were dressed in such a manner. Once the group arrived at the shore, he masked his scent and aura. Rin and Jaken were asleep, so he left them alone in favor of seeing what would occur next.

His eyes widened marginally, which for him meant complete and utter shock. They were taking off their clothes! All of them except for his half-brother, that is. The monk removed the short sleeved top and the girls pulled their dresses over their heads. The strange outline from underneath the slayers dress appeared to be some sort of one piece underclothing. However, when his eyes slid over to the miko he nearly choked. She was barely wearing anything! The triangular pieces of cloth held together precariously with bits of string left nothing to the imagination. He had lain with women before, so the mere sight of her should not have been enough to faze him. In fact, he should have been disgusted by her lack of modesty. Yet, as he beheld the smooth curves of her body, he found himself entranced. The pieces of cloth she wore were a wicked torment; they showed just enough to entice him, and withheld just enough to make it unbearable. He could not withhold his beast's desire to rip apart those strings and see the treasures hidden from him.

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