Stay (SebbyXCiel One shot!)

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So, I totally made this INSTEAD of doing my homework or writing the next chappies of any of my other series like a good little child would. YAY PROCRASTINATION!!! :D


Sebastian peeled his covers back, blowing out the candle and sliding into his bed silently. Even demons needed their sleep. He was just closing his eyes as I very quiet knock sounded at his bedroom door.

He got up and opened it, holding the re-lit candle up. Ciel stood in the doorway, his arms wrapped around his torso as if holding himself together. He was dressed in his nightshirt and his gray hair was slightly messy from sleep.

"I was having nightmares. Let me sleep in your room for tonight, Sebastian." he said, a frightened sort of scowl spread on his face. "Is that an order, My Young Lord?" Sebastian teased, stepping back and letting Ciel walk in. "Yes. It is." Ciel teased back, standing by Sebastian's bed.

Sebastian peeled the blankets back again and slipped in, holding the covers up for Ciel. Ciel slid under the covers and wiggled over so their bodies were barely touching. Ciel shivered slightly as his body got used to the warm and cozy bed in contrast to the cold winter's air.

"If you don't mind, My Young Lord, but would you tell me what your bad dream was about?" Sebastian asked, rolling over to face Ciel. "Well... I dreamed that you... you left me. I couldn't find you anywhere! I was terrified that I'd never see you again. Then I did see you, but you were walking away from me and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't move or call out to you. I hated it." Ciel explained, tearing up slightly near the end.

"My Young Lord..." Sebastian whispered, slightly shocked and in awe of Ciel's words. "Sebastian... Promise me you'll never leave me. I couldn't bare it!" Ciel called, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

Ciel had turned to face Sebastian and now their bodies were mere centimeters apart. Sebastian looked deeply into Ciel's worried eyes and smiled sweetly. He realized then how he had felt for Ciel all along. He loved Ciel with all his heart, although it should be impossible for a demon to love.

He brought his hand up to cup Ciel's face gently, stroking his cheek with his thumb. "I'll never leave you, Ciel. I'll stay by your side as long as we both shall live. And I could never bare being apart from you either." Sebastian whispered softly, bringing their faces even closer.

"Sebastian... I love you." Ciel whispered, closing his eyes tightly and expecting Sebastian to pull away. But he didn't. "I love you too, Ciel." Sebastian sighed, bringing their lips together for a lingering kiss. It was short, but it would become a memory to last an eternity.

"Goodnight, Sebastian." Ciel said, burying his face into Sebastian's chest. "Goodnight, Ciel." Sebastian whispered, extinguishing the candle and wrapping his arm around Ciel.

He smiled as he closed his eyes, resting his head against the pillows. He silently wish for this to last forever as he drifted off to sleep.


Hope you all enjoyed ;)

Stay (SebbyXCiel One shot!)Where stories live. Discover now