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Nico's pov

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M NOT YOU'RE TYPE?!" I heard Percy Jackson shout after me as I walked away from where he and his girlfriend Annabeth , were standing . I had just confessed to Percy about me having a giant crush on him with the past few years . I walked over to where Will Solace was waiting for me, so he could take me to the infirmary for 3 days because ,seemingly, I'm using my Underworld powers way too much. "Hey death boy, are you ready to go to the infirmary?" He asked me ."Ya , I suppose I am ,and by the way ,don't call me death boy"I replied ."OK ,would you prefer sunshine" He joked .I simply rolled my eyes and began walking towards the large building also known as the infirmary. "Well , are you coming or not?" I shouted over my shoulder . He then hurried to catch up with me , which was not that hard as he was way taller than me. Together , we walked through the large doors of the camp's hospital .Will led me over to a bed way off in a corner ,further away from everyone else, which I appreciated . "Alright , death boy ,take off your shirt and we can start cleaning up your wounds" "What?!" I shrieked . "It's just to clean up the wounds on your torso , Neeks" Will chuckled. "Oh" I said , feeling my face go red with embarrassment ,which luckily, Will didn't notice as he had his back turned to me trying to fine something on the hospital trolley he had brought over .He found what he was looking for and turned back towards me .In his hand he held a small but sharp, looking needle . "No way am i letting you near me with that thing ,Solace" I growled . "Relax , It'll barely hurt Nico , and if you want you can squeeze my hand " He said with a wink . For the second time that day , Will Solace had made me blush . "OK , count to 3 and when you reach 3 I'll give you the injection" He told me . "1 -2 - OUCH what the Hades Solace, you said when I reach 3!" I yelped . "But now it over" Will pointed out . He carried on examining me and after 15 minutes he told me to get into bed and sleep ,which I had no objection with as I was exhausted from the war and carrying back the Athena Parthenos . I fell into a dreamless sleep...... 

Wills pov

I was finishing up my nightly routine of checking on all the patients when my thoughts drifted back to Nico . I hated seeing him bottle up all his feelings inside ,and I felt determined to help Nico get better physically and emotionally . I was done checking up on my patients at this point ,so I decided to see how Nico was doing . I pulled back the curtains that were partitioning off Nico's bed from all the other patients , when I was greeted by a horrific sight . Nico was thrashing around in his bed while tears were running freely down his face .I rushed over to the younger boy and shoved a square of ambrosia into his mouth while I hummed a prayer to my father.I sat on the bed and pulled Nico into my lap and slowly ,but surely, Nico stopped his chaotic movements and began to relax in my arms . "W-Will?" He stuttered, the tears still streaming down his face . "Shh , It's OK Nico , you're safe" I comforted him ,while gently rocking him in my arms  .He buried his face into my shoulder and began sobbing quietly . I continued rocking him slowly all the while shushing him. He eventually stopped crying and cuddled into me closer . "Do you want to tell me what this dream was about?" I asked him ,quietly . " I -I was back in Tartarus " he said quietly, " And my sister ,Bianca came up to me but I  realised it was only a monster.She told me I was a disgrace and she would never wish to call me her brother" He said .  "She told me it would have been better if I had died instead of her" He whispered, brokenly . "Oh ,Nico that isn't true at all" I told him . " Yes it is ,Will" He said ,tears leaking out of the corners of his beautiful, dark brown eyes. "No Nico ,it isn't , nobody wishes you were dead" I gently whispered to the frail boy in my arms ." Then, she turned into my mama ,and my mama said to me that I wasn't her son ,I was just a useless freak that nobody cares about ." I felt my heart break at his words and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead ,silently urging him to go on. "Then the monster turned into my father and he told me he wishes Bianca had lived instead of me too, and that I should leave Camp Half-Blood because nobody wants me or needs me" "I need you , Nico ,I'd hate it if you left Camp Half-Blood" I said placing soft kisses all over his face . "He told me that nobody would ever accept me because i'm- I'm gay" He whispered quietly. "Its OK Nico , I'm gay too" I chastised the boy placed in my lap. " Really ?" He asked ."Yup" Nico turned towards me and said " Is it OK if I kiss you?" He shyly asked. I leaned forward and placed my lips on his. he immediatly kissed back placing one of his hands on the back of my head tangling his fingers in my hair . We stayed like this for what seemed like forever ,but in reality it must've only been around 20 minutes, just slowly kissing each other . We broke apart ,both our faces flushed and our lips red . "Nico ,will you be my boyfriend?" i asked ,combing my fingers through his jet black hair ."Yes" He said, placing his lips back on mine and needless to say , Nico's nightmares were forgotten about for the moment

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