Do You Love Me

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I slowly eased the door closed letting out a well disserved sigh of relief after an hour and a half, he was finally asleep. His mouth sucking furiously at the pacifier that occupied it, and his tiny fist wrapped around one of the bars on his crib.

Turning off the hall light I made my way downstairs. Flopping down onto the leather couch I pull my feet up and picking up the remote began scrolling through the hundreds of channels.

Just a week before Halloween the options were endless movies from Coraline to Saw flew by but tonight was not a night I wanted to watch any of them. Firstly, babysitting at night was creepy enough as it was, and second, I had just broken up with my overly clingy boyfriend today which meant that I needed some major eye candy to divert my attention.

After about ten minutes of scrolling I had narrowed it down to three options, Red Dawn, Chris Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson, eye candy at its finest, 21 Jump street starring Channing Tatum, one word, yum, and Percy Jackson with Logan Lerman, can we say God’s gift to mankind.

Finally deciding to watch all three, alternating every other minute I was startled by the sound of my cell phone vibrating in the next room.

Not wanting to wake the baby I ran over to it and without even checking who it was pressed it to my war.

“Harley, it’s Colin.”

I mentally groaned, I had broken up with the guy today on the way home from school and he was already calling me.

“Why am I talking to you?” I demanded.

“I called you,” he whimpered.

“Yeah I know, why?” I asked.

“I miss you.”

“Colin, you need to stop.”

“I love you,”

“Please Colin, we’re done, stop calling me.”

I hung up the phone before he could get out another word. More than a bit annoyed I crossed back over to the couch and sat down. A few minutes later my phone rang again. I looked down and frowned, seeing that it was him calling again.

Hitting ignore I sent him to voicemail. A moment later my phone vibrated informing me that he had left a message. Angry that I was missing a rather exciting scene I pressed the phone to my ear to listen.

“Hey Harley, its Colin and I just want you to know I love you. I’ll never find anyone as sweet and caring and beautiful as you, so please call me back, I need you.”

I angrily tossed my phone across the couch. I knew Colin had used to be bullied which was part of the reason I had started dating him, to pull him under my wing and mend him, only nothing ever seemed to fix him, it was almost like with time he just got worse. More whiny, more nervous, more anxious, more clingy, more demanding recently it had just become too much and I had no choice to break up with him.

My phone rang again. Getting ticked off I picked it up and held it to my ear.

“What?” I spat.

“You didn’t call me back.”

“Because I don’t want to talk to you dumb ass!”

“I need you.”

“You need food and water, you don’t need me.”

“I miss you.”

“Colin stop.”

“I love you.”

“I don’t love you.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Yes I do,”

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