Chapter 2

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"618..618... you sure this is the right address?" Soos asked Dipper. Dipper nodded, furrowing his brow.

"It's right there," Mabel said, pointing to a pink house with pretty little windows with adorable curtains, a smell of cake wafting from the tiny door. There was a sign in front. 618. The flowers in front were pink posies. Dipper knocked on the door of the house.

No answer.

"Ugh, you did it wrong. Let me do this," Mabel said, knocking on the door.

No answer.

Mabel opened the door, revealing a dollhouse room with a three pink doors numbered 1, 2, and 3 and a tiny little sofa. The windows, with pulled-back glittery curtains, illuminated the room.

"This is so cute!" Mabel exclaimed, examining the windows.

"Focus, Mabel, we need to find Grunkle Stan," Dipper said, looking around. "We'll have to try each door. We should split up so we can find him faster."

"Okay," Mabel said. "I'll do door number 1."

"I volunteer to do number 2!" Soos said.

"I guess that leaves me with number 3."

The hallway was long and dark.

"Hellooooooo?" Mabel asked into the darkness. "Anyone home?'

"Yes," Stan said, stepping out of the shadows.

Mabel fist-pumped. "Yay! Grunkle Stan. This was easy. Now, let's go back home—"

Stan smiled a yellow, toothy smile. "Oh, Mabel. Such an innocent child. You don't understand."

The dirty blackness in front of Soos prevented him from seeing a thing.

"Hello?" Soos asked into the darkness. "Waitress-lady?"

Stan entered his field of vision.

"Oh, Stan! There you are. I was beginning to worry—"

Stan smiled at him, a creepy, unnerving smile. Soos flinched.

"Uh, Stan? What are you—"

Dipper went through door number 3. Inside the room he stepped into was an expanseful pink sofa looking like it belonged in a mansion. On the sofa, Ren the Waitress was playing with a golden locket hanging from her neck, shaped like a triangle.

"Oh no, you've caught me," Ren said dismissively, holding her hands up. "Now what will you do? Beat me to death with your journal?"

Dipper glanced at her dubiously, but she had a point.

"Where is Stan?" Dipper asked, making eye contact with her, but then breaking it, because her bright pink eyes seemed to hypnotize him, burning into his soul.

"Oh, right here," Ren said, snapping, the pink, glittery wall sliding to reveal a monstrous cage. There were five shadowed figures inside it, and when Dipper looked farther in it, seeing that they were all wearing fezzes and carrying sticks with Magic 8-Balls on the ends of them.

There were five Stans in the cage of front in him.

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