The Beginning of the End

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Jennifer's P.O.V. ( Jennifer in the media )

I was dreaming. Thats all I could really tell at this point every time this happened. I stayed in my so called dream state a little longer to see if it would be different this time. But as I soon came to realize there was no difference so I just decided to wake up and get the first day of senior year over with.

After getting dressed i went downstairs to see if dad was awake and as usual he wasn't so that meant breakfast by myself as it has become the new norm in my life. Watching some cartoons as I ate my cereal I later heard a rather annoying sound coming from inside the house. Searching for said sound i came to realize it was dad on the floor drunk and crying again. Seriously this was the fifth time this month I had to stay home and take care of him . I wasn't going t be late for school just to take care of dad even though having an extra day of summer would be nice. But it couldn't happen I promised Cassidy, my best friend by the way, that I would catch her up on everything I did this summer even though that wouldn't take too long.

Deciding that family was most important "Taking that very lightly" I helped dad into the shower and opened the shower head and poured freezing cold water on him to get him out of his drunken state. Then proceeded to let him change into some dry clothes and make him a cup of coffee. Five minutes later dad came into the kitchen changed and looking miserable and guilty. Every time he would try to say something he would meet my eyes and choke. Finally I heard Cassidy outside the house here to pick me up, picking up my bag ready to leave.

"I'm sorry again" said Dad

" I know you are dad" said Jennifer

It was the first conversation we had had in days. Ever since the "situation" happened he hasn't been the same. I call it that because that's all I can really call it. I mean what do you call your mom's suicide when she was your best friend so to say. Me and my mom were like sisters and I always told her everything. So deep in thought I hadn't realized that I had left the house and was walking up to Cassidy's car.

Getting into Cassidy's car I was immediately pulled into a bone crashing bear hug by my best friend. Trying everything possible to get out of the hug to catch my breath I finally decided to just punch her. Which in turn did work but got me an even harder punch in return, me obviously forgetting during the summer that Cassidy was on the school basketball team and that she was freakishly strong for no reason. Holding my arm I turned to her and we both broke out into whole-hearted laughs getting back to the norm so quick.

Cassidy right off the bat started asking questions about my summer. Like the usual stuff if I went anywhere, met any new guys, lost my virginity which was where she was cut off of the questions. After arriving at school soon after that we went to the front desk to get our schedules and compare classes. Sadly we only had three classes and lunch together but we soon realized that our lockers were right next to each other.

Walking to our lockers to drop off some excess weight. Cassidy seemed to notice someone behind me.

" Hey Jen that guy over there is staring hard at you"

Looking back I saw Jacob White watching me with his group of friend against what I will assume was his locker. He gave me a timid wave and I reciprocated the action. Looking back at Cassidy she had a sly smile on her face like she knew something when in actuality she had no idea. Me and Jacob became acquaintances this summer during my mom funeral service where his mom I guess knew my mother and they were pretty good friends since me and dad had found her name in mom's address book.

Looking back at Jacob he was gone but I noticed something different in the school people were looking at me strange and I didn't mind it was just a few people right? Or so I thought. Turning back to Cassidy once she still had the smile on her face but with her brow raised waiting for me to explain who he was. So I told her and went off to first period which was with Jacob.

Walking into call all that i saw were people staring at me, turning around to see if there was anyone behind me but there wasn't. Shrugging my shoulders and making my way to my seat in the back of the class Jacob came and sat next to me expectingly. Raising my brow at him he gave me a smile.

" What are you doing here" I said

" I can't sit here" he said

" No" I said back

" Well to bad Knight I'm staying here" he responded

I was about to respond but the teacher came into the class.

" Alright class welcome to senior year homeroom. I'm going to take attendance then you may talk amongst yourselves quietly." said Mr. Lunz

After taking attendance Mr. Lunz went to his dwsk and read the newspaper he had brought in with him.

" So what did you do for the rest of the summer after.... you know" said Jacob

" Um can I ask why you are talking to me since you only just realized I existed after my mom's..... funeral?" I responded

He looked kind of shocked before responding " Hey I was just trying to be nice but you don't have to be so rude about it jeez" looking back at him he looked pretty agitated for no reason and so for the rest of first period I sat at my desk and read.

Finally the bell rang signaling the end of class. Packing up my stuff quickly I left the room to go meet Cassidy for second period which was trig. Walking into class I saw Cassidy and some familiar faces making my way to the desk that Cassidy had already saved for me we talked about how our first periods were and other stuff when I noticed some girls staring and laughing at me. Paying them no mind I went back to talking to Cassidy when one of them came up to my desk.

" Did your mom really kill herself this summer? You were either one terrible daughter or your dad sucked in bed and she got depressed from lack of pleasure?" she said

Cassidy stepped in telling her to leave but it was too late the class was already watching me with wondering eyes and I myself had tears in my eyes so I did the only thing I knew how. I ran and didn't look back. I could hear Cassidy calling me but it was too late I was already out of the school running with no direction where.

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