Today I went and enrolled myself into school. I picked a school that allows me to move at my own pace, and they offer classes at the college across the street. I had to pay 50$ so that I could go to that school. I spent almost all day up there filling out paperwork and doing everything else that needed to be done.
I got rather annoyed after the first hour of paperwork. The lady at the front desk that was "helping me" sat and played on her phone while trying to talk me out of taking college courses. I am one determined person though. When she finally realised that I wasn't playing about doing college, she gave up on trying to get me to stop. The principal came in a few minutes later, and of course he began trying to talk me out of it also. Those two weren't very happy when I finished all of my paperwork and slid it across the desk with a smirk.
My schedule will be made at the beginning of August, and I'm gonna have a shit ton of work to do. I have to do a full year of highschool work and a full year of nursing school (college level work). I'm going to need a lot of luck, and a hell of a lot of patience.