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Pippa's POV:
"Would you relish being a poor man's wife, unable to provide for your life?" Lin sings, holding onto my hand.
"I relish being your wife..." I sing back tenderly. You can see everyone in the audience just about ready to burst.
We continue the song and I finish up with, "I could be enough. We could be enough. That would be enough..." And everyone is practically in tears. We finish out the show like we always do, and it's as heartbreaking as always. As we take our bows, Lin wraps an arm around me tight. Something about tonight just seems extra emotional. Maybe we're just tired.
He leads me offstage and we collapse into each other in a hug.
"You were great, Pippa. Just like always. I couldn't have asked for a better Eliza..." Lin smiles that heartwarming smile.
"Well I wouldn't get to be Eliza without you," I tease playfully. "Now come on... We should do something exciting."
Lin snaps his fingers and grins. "I've got it. Let's stay in our costumes and go on a picnic on the roof of my apartment building. I'll bring the alcohol."
I chuckle a bit. "That sounds like fun. Okay... Should I meet you there?"
"We could just go right now." He shrugs.
"Alright..." I smile softly. He takes my hand and starts running out with me. We get out the stage door and the fans go absolutely nuts. I feel bad just leaving them so I break away from Lin and sign a few autographs then take one big group picture, apologizing for not having the time to get to everyone. When I finally get back to him, Lin is giving me a funny look. "What?" I question.
He shakes his head. "Nothing. Let's go."
We pick up some stuff on the way there, before coming to his apartment building. He stops to grab us a blanket and then we head up to the roof.
When we get up there, we lay out our blanket and put everything on it. I lay down with a small groan. "Lin, you're a genius and all, but your dumbest idea ever was for us to stay in these costumes to do this. What purpose does this serve aside from driving me crazy?" I tug on my dress.
"I personally like mine. I think I look fabulous," Lin says dramatically, fluffing his jacket. I chuckle and roll my eyes. "Of course you think you look fabulous. You're you!"
He smiles and shakes his head. "We should call the rest of the gang so they can experience this magical evening, don't you think."
"Sure..." I smile a bit, though less bright than the smile I had before.
Within minutes they all arrive and it turns into an all-out drinking fest per usual. Somehow we all end up singing Do you hear the people sing from Les Miserables, quite terribly.
Lin makes his way over to me, though he is very drunk. He loud-whispers, "Pippa, will you sing for the next Ham4Ham show?? I love your voice... Please...?"
I'm stunned for a second but I nod. "Okay... I'd love to."
He grins. "Great! We can talk more about it tomorrow... For now... I don't think you are drunk enough, miss Phillipa..."
I chuckle. "You're very very right..." I take his drink from him and gulp it down.
"Dang, Eliza. Not so innocent now, huh?" He smirks.

My dearest, PippaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora