Chapter One

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Camila's POV
I came to school early so I didn't have to push through all the people in the hallway. I'm by my locker right now grabbing my books and what not for my first four classes. When I was about to grab my history book my locker slammed shut on my hand. "Ow." I pulled my hand out of the locker and there was a cut on my hand that was bleeding, but not that bad. I looked to see who closed my locker on my hand and instantly tensed up. "Hey Cabello." "Leave me alone Emily." I tried to walk away, but Emily grabbed my arm and stopped me and pulled me back. "What did you say?" "I-I said l-leave me a-lone." "Well guess what you can't talk to me like that you stuttering bitch." She slapped me across the face and it stung so bad. I put my hand over my cheek and most likely got blood on my cheek. "Ow." "Stop saying ow I'm not even hurting you." "Yes you are." She smacked the back of my head and I knew that if I didn't get away soon I was going to do something I'll regret in the long run. "Ouch stop it you bastard." I was about to take it back, but I felt hands around my neck and she slammed me into the locker. "What did you call me?" "I-I'm sorry I d-didn't mean i-it." "That's right you don't mean it you fucking asshole." She slammed my head into the locker and then kneed me in the chest. I grabbed my chest and held onto the locker for support. "Bitch." I mumbled it hoping that she didn't hear, but she did. She slapped me across the face, but this time three times harder causing me to fall to the floor. I grabbed my cheek again and it was hot. "Ouch." "Shut up I barely touched you." "Yes you did." "Shut up." She kicked me in the chest and I winced and grabbed my chest again. When she was about to kick me again I grabbed her foot and flipped her onto her back. I quickly stood up and left my things and ran as fast as I could away from her. "Cabello get over here!" I didn't respond back and kept on running. When I turned behind me Emily was close to me, but not really close. When I turned back around I didn't even have time to blink before I hit something or someone and fell onto the ground and hit my head on the locker. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay?" I looked up and saw the prettiest emerald green eyes that I've ever seen. "Are you okay?" I realized that I still didn't answer her yet Damn it get it together. "Yeah I'm fine are." I was cut off because someone picked me up by my arm. "Cabello you are going to be in some deep shit for doing that." She let go of my arm once she saw green eyes in front of us. "What do you want?" "Nothing I was just getting to class." "Well I'm sorry that this shithead ran into you." She smacked me in the back of the head again and I started rubbing the back of my head. "Ouch." When I looked back at green eyes she looked pissed. "Hey don't do that to her and don't call her that if anything you're the shithead in this situation." "Hey I don't appreciate being called that. She is the shithead, the bitch, the waste of space, the person that nobody cares about. Don't you." She never fished because green eyes slapped her across the face. Emily staggered backwards and held her cheek and she looked genuinely surprised. "Leave her alone and stop talking about yourself to her she doesn't care. I don't want to see you touch her again. Do you understand me Emily?" "Y-yes I d-do." "Good now go the fuck away." Emily ran away faster than I've ever seen before. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." I wasn't going to tell her that my chest hurt like hell my hand is bleeding and my cheek hurts. "You don't look fine." "How so?" "One you have a red hand print on you're cheek. Two you're hand is bleeding and three you're holding you're chest." "Damn it." "So do you need to go to the nurse or something?" "Nah I'll just suffer it's fine." "I'm Lauren by the way." "Camila and um thanks for helping me out." "No problem, but I think you should go to the nurse you look kinda pale." "It's probably from having my head smashed against a locker countless t-countless." I couldn't finish because my head started spinning and I put my arm on Lauren's shoulder to keep myself up. "Camila I think you should go to the nurse." I just nodded my head, but I knew that there was no way I was going to make it to the nurses office in my condition. "Can you walk?" I shook my head because I could barely see the floor everything was going blurry. I felt myself being picked up and carried. I didn't have to look to know that Lauren picked me up. I didn't bother to keep my head up so I rested my head against her chest and closed my eyes trying to gather myself together, but I think I fell asleep or something cause everything after that was a blur.

A/N: Hi guys🤗 Here is the question of the day:
If you could go back in time to change something what would you change and why?
And if you guys want to ask me questions comment them and I will answer them 100% truthfully
Love you guys so much 😘

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2016 ⏰

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