Chapter One

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"Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who to be?"


Georgie felt herself being pulled under once more, suffocating in the undertow of monotony and middle class bullshit. Her job sucked, her dating life was nonexistent, all in all she felt..


With a sigh she shuffled to her car after another long boring day of being the office darling, she was exhausted, but even more than the physical exhaustion there was something weighing on her mind leaving her emotionally drained.

What happened to the highschool Georgie? The town's resident Gypsy? Now you're just like every other cookie cutter, middle class adult.. You lost your spark darling..

Little did Georgie know there was someone 3,000 miles away thinking the same thoughts.


Essex, England, UK.

"Come now Love, you've been holed up here long enough Aggie, when are you going to stop feeling so sorry for yourself?"

Agatha resisted the urge to strike her older brother, Matthew meant well, as well as any Oxford Law, Baronetcy inheritant brother could mean.

What did he know of self doubt?

"Matt, I am not ready. Stop pushing." Agatha remarked hastily shoving her wild hair behind her ear.

"Only if she had dressed and acted like a proper lady."

That had been her mothers remark on her devastating split from her now ex Fiancée Michael Benjamin.

"Mother meant..." Matthew began,

"Don't you dare say it Matthew." Agatha cut in her eyes stinging, she turned to once again face the windows, blinking away any hint of moisture from her eyes before Matthew's quick eyes could take notice.

Matthew sighed internally, he knew that Agatha must be very deeply hurt by Michael's decision, and their mothers words rather than easing that hurt had managed only to compound it.

Worse still he couldn't seem to find the words to help his beloved sister, what words could their possibly be when he was delighted by the news of the end of their engagement? Michael Benjamin was a scoundrel, Matthew thanked the heavens that Aggie was yet ignorant to the real Michael Benjamin.

"I'm sorry Aggie, it pains me to see you so hurt. I only wanted to help, can you forgive me?" Matthew queried fixing his pale brown eyes on his sisters back.

"I can Matthew, if you promise me you'll stop trying to turn Mother's words into anything other than the petulant acid she meant them as." Agatha admitted turning to face her brother. He was her rock in this storm, the star guiding her through perhaps the most violent storm of her life. She was grateful he hadn't yet learned the extent of Michael's betrayal.

"You know what Aggie, I'm sending you on a holiday. There's this lovely little town I've had a mind to visit myself, I think you'll love it as enthralled as you are by art." Matthew stated as he was struck by a brilliant idea.

Why not get Agatha out of the country for a bit, while everything blew over?

"No worries, no Mother to bother you.." No Michael...

"Matthew..." Agatha began to protest.

"Come now Aggie, what's the worst that could happen? You enjoy yourself, or gasp even worse you forget that dreadful Michael for even just a moment?" Matthew prodded.

"I will not take no for an answer Agatha. After all I am Baron St. Charles." He tacked on with a light hearted wink.

"As if you'd let me forget it for a second.. Alright Matt I'll go. But not for long I have business in London in a few weeks that I don't plan on missing."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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