Chapter 1.The Start of something

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CMH is just like any other high school, in any other town. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happens here in the town of Georgia Falls. The name is pretty lame if you ask me. So speaking of CMH, where I've been schooling since freshman year, has been sort of near hell but safe for me. Not a lot of juniors would think that, heck no one thinks that. So yeah, I'm a pretty average girl. Always maintaining an above B average but thankfully while still having a bit of a social life. Having a social life is a must when my best friend lives for those kinds of things. Claire Welsh, one of the most gorgeous human beings on the planet. Born with gorgeous blonde hair and the prettiest shade of blue eyes I've ever seen. 5'7 with the perfect bod, and is very into fashion. I, on the other hand, am a brunette with brown eyes, I'm not fat but I'm not skinny either. Also the thing about me is that I'm all legs. They go for miles. 

So unlike my Claire Bear, I'm not into make up and I only try to look decent half the time. 

School doesn't start for another week and I'm all set to go. Nerd alert. Usually, I'd be pumped but something about this year is kind of off. It's hard to explain but my heart has been beating irregularly for no particular reason. I'm just hoping that this will be a good year. A good safe year. 



Branches and twigs hit my face and body as I run as fast as I can. I have to get to him. It might be dangerous but I don't care I just have to get to him. Green flames blaze around me. Smoke enters my lungs and I can't breathe, can't- - breathe. 

My eyes fly open and I'm gasping for air as I frantically sit up. Sweat trickles down my forehead ,I'm soaked wet.  My breathing becomes normal after a few minutes. It was just a dream. Well more like a freaking nightmare. Inhale, Exhale. I glance at the clock and I practically flew of the bed faster than you could say cupcake. As fast as I could, I did my daily routine which involved showering and brushing my teeth. I don't usually put on make-up even though I've got a truck load. So I rush out of the house and curse under my breath. I have no car. Crap. My older brother, Matty, usually drives me since I won't get my car for another 2 weeks which is supposed to be my birthday present. Yup, I'm turning 17. So anyway, Matty probably got hauled by his bitchy girlfriend, Madi. I swear she hates my guts. Well back to the issue at hand, I guess I'm running. I sigh.


30 min later

My legs are killing me. I feel like I just ran a marathon. The first bell rings and I sprint while making a mental note to murder Madi with her lip gloss when she sleeps over. Yeah that'll work out well. 

I'm halfway through the door when a chill went up my spine that made me jump. The contents of my bag spilled to the floor. Great. The hall was empty and I was all alone. So where are those footsteps coming from? The slow poke that I am, it takes about 5 minutes to gather all my things. When I finally straighten and stand, I'm met with the most emerald green eyes I've ever seen. It looked like it was glowing which was probably just my imagination. 

"You about done drooling there?" the mystery boy chuckled. He seems to be enjoying my humiliation. His voice pulled me out of my trance. "Uh yeah excuse me." I was never good at comebacks or saying anything that made sense. I slid past him fully aware how close he was. My heart was pounding like a drum. What just happened? "See you around" he called after me. My knees are shaking. How could that boy have this effect on me? I've never been this uh what's the word? Uncomposed? Who was he anyway? I've never seen him before at CMH and this school wasn't very big.  Ugh. Shake it off, Kath. 

But I couldn't. While my friends were all fired up and chatting away about the party this weekend, I was staring at the distance and those green eyes keep on popping up in my mind. We were seated at our usual place near the backside of the cafeteria. My table consisted of all my friends, Claire, my bestfriend since I was 6, Monica, the sweet babydoll faced girl who always had her nose under a book. Then there was Flor, the badass chick. I've always admired her for her strong personality and she was stunning. Of course there was the boys, Chris and Evan. Chris was the quarterback and every living girl would fall at his feet, then there's Evan, always the clueless cutesie. So that's my circle of friends. Claire being the friend that she is asks me what's wrong and I just lie to her face when I say nothing. "Right, you're forgetting who you're talking to. Come on babe, what's up?" she said as sweetly as she could. I sigh as a sign of defeat. "I don't know. I just- " I began, when that all too familiar chill went up my spine. I looked around and low and behold, the mystery boy stood a few feet away from our table. He has his hands in his pockets and was leaning against the wall and he was staring at me. My blood pressure was rising. What was up with this guy? Claire sensed my discomfort and turned to look what I was staring at. "Ooh the transfer. Hot huh?" she cooed. Transfer? Uh-oh. Why does that spell trouble to me? "So where'd he come from? What's his story?" nodding in his direction and trying to sound as casually as I could. Claire's eyes sparked with interest. I've never asked about a guy before and she isn't missing a beat. She wiped a fake tear from her eye and put her hand to her heart. "My baby is all grown-up. I'm so proud of you." she sighs and makes a big fuss about it. Geez I just asked a question.

"Please. I'm not looking for a relationship and even if I was he is the last guy I'd ever go out with. He gives me the creeps." He really did.

"Kath you are such a loser. I mean that in the best way possible. Come on look at him he is GORGEOUS. You know I'm right, I see you checking him out." 

"Am not!" of all the things, I blush. This is so embarrassing. I wonder how loud were talking and if he's hearing any of this. Yeah he was hot but i'm just not interested. Claire gives me a mischievous grin and lets it slide, for now. 'Well I don't know much. I just heard he's kind of a bad boy. Also that he got kicked out of his last school that's why his parents brought him back here." A bad boy. All the more reason to stay away. But wait. "Back? You mean he's been here before?"

  " Yeah. Heard he grew up here then one day they just moved. Now they're back. I heard he has an older brother who's in college. I sense hot make out sessions." While Claire was fantasing about Mystery Boy's brother, I couldn't move on from the fact that he grew up in Georgia falls. I grew up here and I have never seen or heard about them. And trust me, those eyes are unforgettable, I wouldn't have missed them. The mystery boy continues to haunt my thoughts. I shake my head trying to get rid of any thoughts I have of him and dig in to my barely touched plate of meat.


End of the First Chapter. Feeling nervous. Do you guys like it even a bit? Please don't be afraid to tell me what you think. Your opinions will be a big help. I'm also done with the second chapter so if its sucky, I havent applied your criticism yet. IF YOU DO LIKE IT THANK YOU SO MUCH AND HOPEFULLY YOU'LL ENJOY READING THIS XXX

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