This is my life.

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It was just me and him, sitting there... In class, we were in detention because the teacher caught us making out at the back of the oval.. Fuck was that embarrassing... We've never got caught before but we did this time... We weren't even paying attention to what the teacher holding detention was saying.. I was 14 he was 16. Two completely different grades, but we were in love... Or so I thought...

A few years past and we'd started getting... Distant... We were still dating, but.. We didn't talk as much.. I was in year 11, still going to school.. And he was finished school... He finished school when I was in year 10. He only ever came over on weekends, when he used to come over every single day, and sometimes stay the night, he never stayed over anymore... He said he was.. 'busy'. By then end of year 11 I had a part time job, I had my own place, and I was going perfectly fine... One day, he came over, and stayed the night.. We had sex.. Within the next few weeks I started getting pains in my gut, so I went to the doctors.. And he got me pregnant! I was so scared, I was still so young and had my whole life ahead of me. I didn't want the kid, but I also didn't want to get an abortion..

4 weeks after we had sex and I found out I was pregnant, I decided it was time to tell him.. I drove over to his house in the car that my parents had sold to me when I moved out of home two years ago, I knocked on his door.. And there was no answer.... I started to get really worried.. So I opened the door, called out his name.. And.. No reply... "Frankie?" I called "Uh.. Hold on a minute mel" Something was up, and I knew it... I knew that something was up, so I walked into his room only to see a naked skank in his bed, whilst he was quickly putting his jeans on and doing his belt up... "WHAT TH FUCK FRANKIE!" I yelled, I was fucking furious! All this time, him being 'busy' was him rooting some fucking slut! "Mel, I can explain!" "Forget it Frankie! I come over here to tell you that you got me fucking pregnant hoping you would be happy, and this is what I find?!? No fuck you!" "Mel.. You're pregnant?" "Oh don't act like you care you cheating piece of fucking shit!" It was pure rage coming out of me, nothing but rage! I was shaking, I couldn't see properly... And.. I was just so angry... "AND YOU!!! YOU FUCKING SLUT, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING SLEEPING WITH MY FUCKING BOYFRIEND?!?!" The girl didn't reply... I ran over to the bed, jumped on top of her and just started pounding her face like she was my own personal punching bag, I kept going and going until I seen blood... A lot of blood... I got off, and left... I started driving home thinking to myself 'Why would he do that? I needed him! Our child needs him!' I got home and just cried, for hours and hours on end I just cried. After 4 hours of crying I realised something... I didn't need to cry over this jerk! I could go out of school and get a proper job! I was 18... The army would take me.. The mines would take me... But.. Would they take me while I was pregnant was the real question... The next 9 months were so hard... Getting out of bed in the morning was becoming a chore, I quit school, and kept my job, at centrelink.. I was getting a decent pay for it.. Then the day I was dreading for so long finally came! 28th of September 2015! The day I went into labour! Sittin in that stupid hospital bed! It was annoying, my cravings for certain foods that the hospital didn't have. That Monday night was the worst.. Tuesday, I was slightly asleep, and I suddenly felt my bed getting wet! My water broke, I pressed the 'HELP' button near my bed, and like 20 different doctors came in "Yes miss?" "My water broke!" All I could see was people racing around me, rolling my bed into a different room, I was in so much pain, screaming in agony it hurt so much! It was all a blur from there, but the pain was excruciating, I couldn't handle it! "Ma'am, you'll need to push harder if you want the baby to come out." "But it hurts!!!!!" "I know ma'am but it's the only way this baby will come out" I pushed harder and eventually the pain stopped... And I could here the beautiful sound of my baby crying... The doctors cleaned my precious up, and rapped her in a towel, then.. The most amazing moment, when I got to hold my baby. "This is your daughter ma'am. Congratulations" She was adorable.. And.. She was mine... I didn't want to give her away anymore, I wanted to keep her all for myself! "do you have a name yet ma'am?" "Not yet.." I completely forgot about naming my child, for the simple fact.. I didn't know if it was going to be a girl or a boy. I started thinking... And thinking... And eventually, "I have a name!" "What would you like to name your daughter?" "Savanah" "Are you sure?" "I'm positive" Okay ma'am we'll get the paper work ready. I was so happy; I had a beautiful baby daughter, and she was all mine.. Suddenly, Frankie came in.. They had contacted him.. I didn't want to talk to him.. Yes the child was partly his aswell, but I was the person who went through the pain, all the waiting just to bring this beautiful child into this world. "What do you want?" "It's my kid too Melody!" "what have you done to deserve her? What have you done to help me?!" "Melody, I understand that you're angry..." "angry doesn't even cover what I'm feeling towards you right now Frankie, I was faithful, for 4 years and all you did, was cheat and lie, behind my back! you could've had the decency to break up with me atleast! But no! You had to go and cheat and lie behind my back! Fuck you!" "Melody!" "Go away before I take this to court" And just like that... He left.. He didn't even want to fight for his child, oh well, she was mine!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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