Sakura + bday = how the h*** did i get into this?!

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Today was Sakura's birthday and she was inviting all of her classmates and friends. And I just so happen to me both! I was training until Sakura came up to me.

"Hey (Y/N) can u please, please, PLEASE come to my birthday!"she asked...well.. More along the lines of begging me to go.

"Sure why not? I'll obviously come to my BFFL  bday!" (BFFL = best friend for life) I said excited to actually do something and get cake. (Admit it we only go to bdays to have cake😉)

"Be there at (R/T = random time) ok?! Ok see u there!" She asked more to herself and ran off while waving.

I ran back to my house to get myself ready for the party 'this is gonna be fun!' (If only reader-chan knew~)

-----------TIME OF SKIPPING-----------

After I  was done doing whatever I  was  doing to pass time, get ready and whatnot, It finally turned (R/T). 'Ok time to go before I become late!'.

I ran all the way to Sakura's party and it seemed I  was fashionably late to her party 'maybe Sakura won't notice I'm a bit late' I  thought as I  knocked on her door.

"Oh Hey (Y/N)! Your just on time!" She pulled me into her house 'good she didn't notice' I  thought while she went to go get something. I looked around to see who was here: Naruto, shikamaru, sasuke, neji (rip neji😢), ten ten, Hinata, kiba, shino, lee, choji, ino'?!', gaara, tamari, and konkouro (basically all the small versions of the characters aka before shippuden)

Sakura came back with a hat in hand 'oh no it's not -' " thank you all for coming to my party! So I got an idea to start this party off and it's with.... Seven Minutes In Heaven!!" She yelled and also cut off my thoughts. Most people groaned and other people (ino) squealed of excitement.

Everyone got into a circle "ok who goes first?" Sakura said looking around the room " you!" She yelled pointing at me.

She walked over to me and put out her hat " you pick first!" She yelled with a large grin on her face "okay" I replied.

I  put my hand inside the hat and picked....

Imma finish the Naruto 1 first then do AKATSUKI then the sensei's cuz some peeps like different sensei's so yeah this'll be fun~~~

Seven minutes in heaven (Naruto various x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now