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This is a picture of Olivia
Olovia's p.o.v.

"Liv! I need you to go to the grocery store please!" Yelled my mom from downstairs.

"Okay mom. I'll be down in a sec!" I yelled back.

Hi. My name is Harper Stacey Lawrence. I live in New Jersey, USA. I am currently eighteen years old, just finished collage.
I live with my mother, since my dad got divorced wit her. He wanted me to come live with him, but I said no. After all, who knows what could have happened to me there.

Mom went through trouble to raise me on her own. Being both the mother and father at the same time was pretty hard. She got a promotion for her job, which she earned $40,000.00. By that, we were able to manage on our own.

I quickly threw on a green T-shirt, that said 'supersticious' and a pair of shorts and went downstairs. Mom was preparing supper. We were having mckeroni pie, baked chicken and potatoe salad.

"Yes mom?" I said, walking down the stairs.

"Ooh. I need you to go to the grocery store and get a bag of potatoes for the salad." She said, handing me the fifty dollar bill.

"Can I buy a dorito?" I asked, I loved doritos.

"Sure. But only a dorito." She said, I jumped up, giving her a kiss.
"Be careful." she warned.

"I will." I replied, running out the door. I took my pink sweater off the hook and went outside, since it was night. while walking, I saw two people making out on a car. I rolled my eyes, and picked up the paste. I saw the grocery store just a few miles away. Dorito, here I come.


I walked out of the store, dorito in one hand while the bag of potatoes was in the other. As the cold summer breeze hit me, I started to feel cold. But that was weird because I was wearing a sweater. Walking Dow the road, only the sound of my shoes was being heard. I wanted to get home quickly, so I decided to take the shortcut through the ally way.(lol. Doing things the ally way.)

When I was halfway through, I started to feel a presence. I turned around, but I didn't see anyone. I continued to walk, when I heard footsteps behind me, and I froze in my tracks. One thing I knew, is that I was walking, and the next thing is that I'm being pinned to the wall and my dorito fell from my hand. I looked up and saw it was a man. He looked like he was nineteen close to twenty.

"Hey, my dorito!" I yelled, furiously. That dorito ment everything to me.

"You're human." Said the person in front of me.

"Yeah and this is shirt." I said, pointing to his shirt.

"What are you doing here all alone." He asked, raising a brow at me.

"Ooh, I don't know. Mabey I was looking for a man to knock out with this bag of potatoes. Obviously, I came from the grocery store!" I shouted, like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"I think I'm gonna like this one. I'm gonna make you my bride." He said, grinning, that's the most evil smile I've ever seen.

"Okay, you can let me go now. I think we're done here." I said,trying to get out of his grip,But it was no use. He was mabey ten times stronger than me. Who was this guy. Hercules?

"You're not going anywhere. You belong to me now. No one else ca-" he said, but he was cut by me. Rude right?

"Excuse me, but I don't belong to anyone other than me! Now if you could kindly let me go, that would do great, because I have supper and a mother waiting for me." I said, angrily.

"Fine, then I guess I'll have to do this the hard way then." He said, leaning closer to my neck.

"What are you doing?! Get away from me you asshole!" I yelled at him, but he ignored me. He picked me up by my waist, threw me over his shoulder and was bringing me into the woods. Ooh no. What was he going to do. Rape me? Kidnapp me? Tons of questions raced through my mind at the same time. Will I ever see me mother again? I started to scream.

"Help! Somebody, help me! Im being teen napped!" But it seemed like screaming wasn't making sense. I tried kicking, but that didn't make sense either.

He made me stand up, and when i saw his face, this time he was different. His canine teeth were longer, his eyes were red like blood. Wait, was he.... A vampire?

I thought vampires didn't exist.

"Well sadly, they do." He said, like he could read my... Ooh yeah. I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt a sharp item pierce my neck. He just bit me. Suddenly, the world was spinning. Everything was blurry, and black spots started to form in my eyesight. Mabey this was all a dream. So I let the darkness consume me.

I blacked out.


Second story, second book, second idea. Tell me about it.

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