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Mimmi woke up in the moon pool at sun up. She didn't want to miss spending a second with Chris when he came back from the United States.  So the young mermaid torpedoed back to the grotto to dry off.  Mimmi could hear Ondina fighting with Weilan about something. When the teenage mermaid was done drying, she went to see what the commotion between her two best friends, was all about. 

"Ondina, I told you not to touch any of the potions!" Weilan screamed. Mimmi glanced over at Ondina, who had Artic Marshmallow goop all over her. 

"She just didn't freeze it enough, Weilan.. It will be fine." The brunette said to the others. 

"Y-you're not mad? About all of this?" Ondina spluttered, confused.

"Of course not, silly! Why would I be?" Mimmi toyed. 

"Mimmi, are you feeling okay?" Weilan asked, suspiciously. 

"Of course." The mermaid replied. 

Ondina flashed Weilan a puzzled look. Ondina even furrowed her brow and pouted. She was usually being lectured about not touching potions or swimming into seaweed traps, ect. But today, everything with Mimmi seemed different to her. The blonde mermaid took Mimmi by the wrist and pulled her along, to the bathroom. 

"Why are you acting so odd?" The blonde, snapped. Mimmi was surprised, she didn't know her friend could be so, protective and yet, so weird. 

"I don't know what you are talking about." The brunette said with a straight face. 

"Come on! Just tell me, I know when you are hiding something." The blonde said to her friend. 

"I'm fine, Ondina!" Mimmi aid, wrenching her hand loose from the blonde's grip. She knew that Chris, her beloved land-boy was coming home. Once her wrist was away from her friend's grasp, Mimmi went back to the grotto and sat on the couch. Weilan heaved a sigh, and shook her head. 

"Come on, spit it out." Weilan snapped. But the brunette just stayed as she was, on the couch. But that just made her black haired mermaid friend even more angry. 

"I will call your brother, Zac." The black haired mermaid said. 

"Please, Weilan. It really is nothing, except Chris coming home." She said, plainly. But in an instant covered her mouth for exposing her  true feelings.  Mimmi was blushing and swinging from side to side, hugging herself. Weilan was raising her eyebrows at her friend, sitting on the couch. 

"What?!" Ondina gasped, "He's coming back?!" Her blue eyes widened, when she heard that Chris was coming back. Mimmi's face went red immediately. 

"Yes, Chris is coming back, Ondina." The brunette said calmly. Her eyes glazed over as she imagined all of the great things her and Chris would do together. Then footsteps leading into the grotto, interrupted Mimmi's thoughts. 

"Is everything alright, down here?" Their hostess, Rita Santos asked. 

"We are fine, thank you." The brunette replied. Their hostess, furrowed her brow when she saw Ondina covered in goo. Rita sighed. 

"Ondina, what did we all say about touching potions!?" The older mermaid asked, rhetorically. 

The blonde teenage mermaid, looked down at the ground, ashamed of her hostess getting upset with her. Ondina thought she should go take a shower, but decided to go for a swim and wash off that way. 

"I'm going for a swim, want to come?" She asked her best friend, Mimmi. 

"I'd love to." Her friend replied. They both jumped into the pool of water in their hostess's grotto. Under the water, they both glowed for a few seconds and then felt as their transformation. Scales instead of skin, tails instead of legs. Then out the opening the two best friends went. Out into the ocean, feeling the salt water on Mimmi's skin, made her feel..calmer. They torpedoed to the moon pool, in Mako Mountain. 

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