My little darling ( Troyler - boyxboy / smut )

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Troyes POV:

Here i was, vidcon. After what seemed like an eternity i had arrived to my hotel and began settling into my room.

I had left my group of youtuber friends only moments ago and now was left alone with my thoughts while unpacking. I looked forward to seeing fans and even more fellow youtubers, but the one i looked forward to seeing the most was Tyler Oakley. It was obvious that i have had the biggest crush on him since we met last year, and that i knew my feelings were getting stronger.

My heart fluttered at the mere thought of his cute, blushing cheeks-not to mention that gorgeous lavender hair that seemed to effortlessly fall into place with the turn of his head. I simply cannot wait to see him and to hear is voice in person again. With this excitement also came a slight feeling of nervousness. I havent seen the man in... i don't know how long, but quite a while. I mean yes we've skyped and texted, but for some reason i was nervous as hell to see him in person again.

My thoughts made my unpacking seem to go by quicker than expected and i finally got a chance to plop onto my big fluffy hotel bed and relax after a long day of traveling. My head was burried in a pillow as i thought about random things and just relaxed. Although my thoughts kept circling back to Tyler, which made it difficult to relax. My phone buzzed in my pocket and i lazily pulled it out to see who it was. Tyler. My stomach did a flip and i sat up on the bed, my lips had instantly turned into a smile as i read the message.

'Hey you, Zoe, Alfie, and I are going out to dinner tonight, wanna tag along?'

My grip tightened as i filled with excitement. Yes! I got to see him TONIGHT.

'Yes i'd love to!' Was my reply, almost immediately i got a response:

'Yay! meet me at my room in an hour okay? Im in room #414, okay? ;)'

To my surprise he was only a few rooms down from mine, which was good i suppose. My reply was a simple, 'Okie dokie, cya then.' I feel like it let him know that i wanted to see him, but also that i wasn't trying to be too thirsty. Quickly i ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower, before i knew it i was out and running through my room digging around through my bags for the perfect outfit and i ended up picking out a pair of white skinnies with a large grey sweater that had sleeves longer than my arms. I looked at my phone and saw i had 3 minutes left until i had to leave. "Shit." I skipped into the little hotel bathroom and quickly did my hair up all nice and fabulous. "I look super homosexual this evening. Perfect." I giggled and grabbed my phone. Within seconds i was out the door and making my way down the hall to Tyler's room. My feet came to a stop outside the door. My nervousness returned ten fold as i lifted my hand up to knock but hesitated, why was i nervous? Before my hand hit the door it opened abruptly and the adorable Tyler Oakley stood in the door way.

"Hey! I haven't seen you in so long!" He exclaimed as he pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around his mid-section and held him tightly. His light blue, floral shirt smelled of vanilla and homosexuality.

"Hello!" I chirped into his shoulder. We broke apart and his hands still rested on my shoulders,

"You look adorable." He smiled.

"Thank you," i felt a blush rise in my cheeks, "you as well."

"This bitch! Anyways, i was just heading out to see if you were on your way, but now that you're here we can just go."

He continued to speak but his words were not reaching my ears, his teeth were perfectly white and his lips were the greatest shade of pink. Not to mention his eyes, they twinkled like stars and i could not stop staring at them.

"I know i'm beautiful, but please." Tyler teased. My staring had been obvious, great.

My already pink cheeks turned 3 shades darker as i chuckled nervously.

"Come on, lets go." He shut the door and started walking down the hall and gestured for me to follow him. My steps quickened to catch up with him.

"Where are we going again?"

"Veggie Grill. I dont want to go that much, but that's where the gang wants to eat so..." He said dryly and almost as though he wasnt looking forward to it. After a moment of silence i realized; this was my chance to take him out on a date. "Well um." My voice shook a little bit. "We can go...maybe somewhere else? With me-uh, if you want to i mean." Now my face was scarlet all over. Shit why would i even ask a dumbass question like that, i knew he was going to look at me like i was bat shit crazy and turn down that offer, i was certain.

I awaited his negative response, but instead he smiled at me.

"Yeah...i like that idea actually." His sparkling eyes shined bright as he glanced at me. He was blushing? I was supposed to be the only one being all flustered, but no. He looked excited all of a sudden, and happy. On the inside i was jumping for joy, but on the outside my face was set in a permanent smile.

"Olive Garden?"

I nodded.

"Awesome! Just the two of us?"

"Mhm." I nodded in agreement.

"Okie dokie, i hate to cancel on them but frankly i'd rather be with you today."

He looked like he had just told a huge secret on accident, and i was praying that the secret was liking me.

My little darling ( Troyler - boyxboy / smut )Where stories live. Discover now