Chapter 1

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Imagine being the only one left. The only human on the face of the earth as the rest of the world is slowly being swallowed by vegetation. As you wonder what you did to end human existence and why you are the only one left. As you wander aimlessly threw the ruins of what used to be your home and your town. You wish you could bring them all back your family, your friends, and even your enemies. What did you do to deserve any of this? You were just a young girl when you woke up and found no one in the house it wasn't like your parents to leave without saying goodbye and leaving a note and where was your sister? or did she go with your mom to a doctors appointment? You tried to call them but you found both of your parents cell phones plugged into their chargers. You started to panic they won't leave with out their phones, not ever. So where were they? You didn't know put you had to find out. You changed from your pjs to a black hoodie and jeans, slipping into your shoes as you ran into the streets. It was quite, to quite for 10 in the morning. You ran to your neighbour's house and knocked on the door, then pounded, then kicked no one answered. You did this for 3 more houses, nothing, no one answered the only thing you heard was barking from the dogs. Your panic grew until you were screaming begging for someone to help, for someone to answer. You convinced yourself it was a just a bad dream and you walked back to your house and crawled into bed, drifting into an uneasy sleep, as you dreaded what would happen if it wasn't a dream. You slept for what you guessed to be 3 or 4 hours. You jumped out of bed and ran around the house screaming for your parents. Nothing. Not knowing what to do you walked to your school looking around as you walked. Nothing but stray cars, as you passed. Like the owner just disappeared as they were driving. "They have to be somewhere people don't just disappear" you tell yourself. Put if that were true why would they leave you behind? They loved you didn't they? When you reached the school. It looked as abandoned as a house in a horror movie. You slowly walked over and peered threw the large front window. Nothing. The situation finally sunk in. You were alone. The only one left. For a brief second you were happy you could do anything you wanted. But then you remembered you were alone no family, no friends. No one to love you or help you. You were 12, old enough to take care of yourself  for like 3 hours alone not forever, you need a family. You flopped down at the door and cried. Mostly because of the loss of your family and your abandonment, but
also because you were scared. Scared because you didn't know what to do. You decided to walk home when you got there it was getting dark. You walked in and your stomach growled. You were hungry you looked at the counter where a thawing steak was sitting, right where your dad left it to unfreeze. You didn't feel like cooking it so you put it in the fridge and looked in the pantry grabbing 2 granola bars "it'll have to do" you sigh and walk to your room.

That was 3 years ago you were now 15. you decide to walk into town to get some supples. You had run out of food at your house and were growing hungry. You hoped into a pair of shorts and a hoodie then walked into a overgrown mess that was your town. Slowly walking threw weeds and dodging fallen trees you finally made it to a sad excuse for a store tho the rest of your town wasn't any better. You crawled through an already broken window and stood up looking around the "store". There wasn't much. You dug around for a bit only coming up with a box of cereal and a bottle of water sighing you shoved them in your back pack and crawled out of the store.

You had come across strays before cats, dogs even the occasional ferret but that was about it for the signs of the living. You had told yourself that one day you'd get a car fill it with gas and drive. Drive away from the only place you've even known, drive away maybe even find out what happened to your family, or anyone. Maybe, just maybe you'd actually find some people, settle down with them. Start living again, you'd forget about the pain and just start enjoying what was left of your childhood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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