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-Khayla POV-

*Two Days Later*

It's Monday night and I have date with Omari tonight! Jacob and I are slowly separating but I don't know why. I can't focus on that right now; I have Xscape - Just Kickin' It blasting right now. I'm singing the song word for word. "Every man wants a woman, where him and her can just go hang. Just the two of them alone, kick back, doing their own thing. And every man wants a woman, that can always keep him in-" I got cut off my someone knocking on my room door.

"Come in" I said still fixing my hair in the mirror. "Wassup" I heard a familiar voice say over the music. I turned around and see Jacob standing there. "What are you doing here" I said barely above a whisper. "I can't hear you" he yells over the music. I turned the music down and looked at him. "I said what are you doing here" I told him. "I came to see you" he said. "Why" I asked but he probably took it offensely. "Because you've been iggin' my shit for the last week. Just wanted to see if you were aight" he said sitting down on my bed. Aw that's cute I thought while smiling.

"I would love to stay and chat but I have to go" I said turning back around to the mirror. "Where you going that I can't go" he asked. "On a date, but you can come if you want" I said jokingly. "With whom" he asked real serious. "Omari" I said smiling even though he couldn't see me doing it.

-Jacob POV-

"Oh that's good for you" I told her. "So you're cool with it" she asked turning around with her lip gloss in her hand. "Yeah" I said nodding my head before lying down. I mean I have no other choice cuz I'm moving on I thought. "Did you like my singing earlier" she asked. "I couldn't really hear you because the music was too loud" I said. She turned the music back up but this time Xscape - Understanding is playing.

What I need from you is understanding

How can we communicate?

If you don't hear what I say

She sang those three lines and then came sat next to me. "How was that" she asked looking at me. "It was good but you know us guys need understanding too" I told her. "Understanding about what" she asked confused. "You girls! Y'all so damn complicated" I told her and we both started laughing. "I don't think y'all guys will ever understand us women" she said lying down next to me. "That's probably true" I said. We stopped talking and just listened to the song play out.

"Uh Khayla there's some dude downstairs, I think his name is Omari" Ericka said. "Aight thanks" Khayla said sitting up. "Mhm" Ericka said before walking out and closing the door behind her. I sat up next to her "So I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow" I said as we exited the room. "Yup and I promise I won't be as bitchy towards you" she said making me laugh. "Aight bet" I said as we made it to the bottom of the stairs. "Hi Khayla" Omari said getting up off the couch to hug her. "Wassup" he said holding out his hand for dap. I just looked at it but then I gave him dap after a few seconds. "See you tomorrow Kay-Kay" I said before walking over to the door. "Bye Jay" she said waving good bye at me. "Bye Ericka" I said opening the door. "Bye Jacob" she said smiling at me and I walked out.

I walked down the stairs and over to my car. I opened the door of my car and got in, slamming the door closed. I threw my head back and sighed closing my eyes. Aight Jacob get your shit together I thought before starting my car and pulling out of the drive way. As I was driving I see Brianna some bad ass girl from our school, sitting at the bus stop. I pulled over and rolled my window down. "Yo Brianna" I yelled and she looked up at me. She smiled and stood up walking over to the car. "Wassup Jacob" she asked leaning through the window. "You need a ride" I asked her. "That's sweet, really, but I'll wait for the bus" she said blushing. "I'm not gonna kidnap you girl, just get in" I told her unlocking the door. She got in the car and put her seat belt on "Thank you, really" she said smiling at me.

"No problem" I told her pulling away from the bus stop. "So where you coming from? If you don't mind me asking" she asked. "A friend house" I said. "Oh cool" she said looking out the window. "So what's your address" I asked. "Oh right" she said laughing a little. "Just keep driving straight and I'll let you know when to turn" she told me and I nodded. We drove straight for ten minutes talking about anything. "Turn right" she said "Stop" she told me. "You got a nice crib" I told her. Thanks she said smiling at me."You know you're actually kind of cool" she said. "You ain't so bad either" I told her and we both laughed. "Thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow" she said. "No problem and aight later" I said. I watched her go safely inside before making a U-turn and heading back home. She kind of cute and funny, think I've found a new one I thought.

A/N: Comment and vote please! =)

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