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February 4, 2016.              Chapter I
Once there was a girl named Liana, she had just moved from California to                                                   North Carolina. She didn't want to move because that's where all her                                              friends were and most of her family. They had moved there on a                                                           Sunday. That Monday she went to school and she was completely                                                       shy. The first time she walked in she saw this special boy she started. .                                                                                    she started to describe him as cute, hers, boyfriend material. He                                                       decides to let her set by him, "my name's is Daniel what's yours".                                                     My names Liana, nice names Daniel. " So...." said Liana, "so...."                                                  Said Daniel.

                                                                                Chapter II
After algebra, science and her electives she went to eat her lunch at                                                        the tables outside. Daniel decides to approach her an said "so how                                                   you like your classes so far especially since I'm in all your classes".                                                   She gave him a certain look trying to hide how she feels about                                                        him. "Just joking" said Daniel " so how was it". They are actually                                                     cool I guess they aren't that bad" said Liana. One of Daniel's                                                           friend came by to get him for the football meet. "My name is                                                              Austin, we all know he likes you now can I borrow him THANK                                                 YOU"!   She started to think  wow what if he seriously likes me                                                      we Liana just happen know that they were having a football game                                                           that night. She went home begging her mom to let her go to the                                                       football game that night. Yea you can but you have to take                                                            someone in the family. Okay but it starts at  seven o'clock so can                                                      we leave at six-thirty. She went to her room to pick out an out                                                             fit. The outfit she picked out was black jeans dark blue shirt and                                               a black leather jacket.  It reached six-thirty  she sprayed perfume                                                    all over. "Mom come on we need to hurry the school is twenty                                                          minutes away" said Liana. She ran to the car strapped herself in                                                            with a big smile on her face.
                                                                                            Chapter III
"That night I  went to the football game I got a kiss" said Liana.                                              This is how the story goes except my mom doesn't know. So it                                             was after the game and I told him good luck. After that we                                                   Started talking and he asked me in a date so I said yes.                                                           specifically he said " I've liked you since I seen you but umm                                                        do you wanna go for lunch" and my WHOLE face turned                                                   Bright red. He said " hey are you alright your face is red". "I                                                 know  it's nothing, you know lets just go right know since I                                                     didn't have dinner yet".
I waited for him the get out his football equipment then we got in his car and we drive away to this place that I didn't know about. I was a good restaurant that he took my to he even payed for that dinner it was amazing. After we ate and anything else he drove me home and he walked me to my door and then I was s moment of silence and then he kissed me it was my first kiss and it was amazing. Right after that my mom opened the front door and I had to go in. I have never had such a big smile in my face, my mom kept asking my what happened right before she opened the door. I told her that he told me that he wanted to take me out again and of course she didn't know because the gam ended early and that's when we went out. So that night I was trying to sleep and next thing you know I get a text message from him and I was thinking how did he get my phone number.h The next thing you know I got a text massage from my cousin saying that she had gave him my phone number. I didn't even care only thing I cared about was what to say back to him I didn't want to be forward but I also did not want to send something stupid so I ran to my moms room and asked her what I should text back of course my mom  was awake during this time. She told me that I should talk about the game like tell him that he did good and he truly did put some effort into the game.

                                                               Chapter IIII
The next day I made sure to dress really nice I wore a black dress with pink flowers on it and I wore high heels that were they were in boot form. Girl it's like I was popping, my mom that morning didn't even bother to ask because she already knew what I was doing. I left very early so that I could stop to actually get good food. OH did I mention that I have a car that's a plus one right. I have no clue on what to say at this point so me and my friends helped come up with good ideas. We were coming up with ideas and my friend Casey said how about you just talk about football since that's the sports that he is playing but don't lie to him and say u know a whole bunch about football. Life is just really good for me I don't know how but it is. This is my first time having a real relationship i think I don't know if it is but I know there is something going on between us. I love the way I feel when he is somewhere around me and I know I shouldn't but I always just go run my mouth. Like seriously I need to take a talking to guys class because I honestly don't know how to.                                                    

Chapter IIIII
I got to class and he started touching my hands  in a playful way but I didn't do anything but giggle so that he could think that I am cute. Any other person in the classroom were thinking that it was weird. Honestly nobody likes me in that class people made me there last option. I hate how do that but I really don't care because  I have Daniel. Anywho I did get in trouble because I kept giggling but u couldn't help it. After class we went to lunch and when we went to lunch we had a very fun time and I could tell that whole were getting jealous of me and him but I didn't care. I had a very good time with him and then he ask me out on another date and of course i said yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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