By Chance (a short story)

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Once upon a time, there was once a boy and a girl who were madly in love with each other.That boy was me.  And the girl?  She is now coming towards where I am, wearing a beautiful white dress, looking as adorable as ever.

I can still remember the first time we met.  It was inside a café, the Sonata Café.  I was minding my own business, savoring the taste of my coffee and enjoying the view. Suddenly, someone’s drink was spilled on my polo. As I turned and saw the face of the culprit, I can’t help but to stare at her face. Her beautiful face I might add. Time passed, but I can’t stop staring, (I noticed that she was staring at me too) until, finally, she cleared her throat.  She said sorry for how many times and even said that she was going to replace my polo.  Fearing that we might never see each other again, I agreed (even if it’s okay if she will not replace it). I gave her my number and she gave hers too. “Shannon Delhi 09155676834 –I’m really sorry L”.

I knew that time that she was really the perfect one for me. I don’t even know how, it’s like Cupid came to me and whispered, “She’s the one, bro, go get her.”

After she gave me a new polo, I asked her out. After she agreed, she asked “Is the reason you asked me out is because I gave you a new polo?” “No, it’s more than that,” I said.”Good.” We went out for a couple of times, we got to know each other (she likes cats and chocolates, she’s the only child, she was raised by her father), and then finally, I had the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend. She said yes! I was the happiest person alive! And then it began, doing stuffs together, eating together, watching movies together, you name it. This newfound routine went on for 3 whole months. 3 whole months of pure happiness and love. It was the best hours, days, weeks, and months of my life. Until…

Remember that she was only raised by her father? She even told me that her father started dating again 2 months ago and is having plans for a wedding because they were so much in love with each other (even though Shannon haven’t even met the woman yet). I thought that it was only a coincidence that I was only brought up by my mom and for the past months I noticed that she was blooming and was buying wedding magazines. I should have been suspicious that time.

One night, they set a dinner for all of us four (for the first time) and told the news; that they, (our parents) are getting married to each other. After hearing it, I was shattered, completely shattered. I don’t know what to do. I want to shout and get mad at them but I want my mom to be happy, I want them to be happy. I want to tell them that I love my future stepsister but I couldn’t. Instead I congratulated them and excused myself for some air. Overwhelmed by my own emotions, I did not notice that Shannon followed me outside. We just watched the stars for a long time until I asked her,                  “What do we do now?”

“Jake, I think we should break up…”

“What?! I love you and I thought you loved me back!”

“I love you, I love you very much Jake! Don’t forget that! But, I haven’t seen my dad smile or laugh like that since mom died, you? Is your mom that happy before he met my dad?  They’re happy, I’m happy…”

“What about us? Don’t we deserve to be happy?!”

“Yes,  but what about our parents? Don’t they deserve to be happy? Jake, listen to me, I love you, but I think it’s the right thing to do, we will meet the right ones for us when the time comes, we’re still young, we’ve got the whole world waiting for us…”

I can’t answer her back because I know she’s right. But what if she’s really the one for me? The one I’m bound to marry? As I looked at her, it was only then I realized that she’s crying. But instead of comforting and hugging her, I left her, left her there crying…

5 years since that day, here I am, waiting for her cross the isle; being the best Best Man and stepbrother she’ll ever wish for in her wedding day.  She’s right, she found the right one for her, she moved on. Me? I don’t know, heck, I don’t even know if I’ll ever move on.

A sad story, don’t you think?

 hi! umm this is my englsh assign, :) our teacher asked us to write a super duper short story that starts with "once upon a time" and ends with "a sad story, don't you think?" :) i know i'm not that good. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2012 ⏰

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