Ch. 05

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Hello! I decided to UD since I'm now alone in our house and its so boring. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


We're still in our house, chit-chating and chillin'. We talked about random things and Simon sunbae keep saying funny things that made us laugh.

"Are you alone here?" Gray asked me curiosly with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yep. I'm used to it. Back in US, I'm always alone at home. My mom is so busy of her work, my eonnie have a botique and she often stay there. She seldomly go to our house." I said while them, still listening to me.

"Isn't that dangerous?" Jay sunbae asked me with a concern tone that is evident in his voice

"Perhaps? I'm always alone. I also lived in Australia for one year, alone. I only had my apartment. Back then when I was young, my family left me alone in our house for three days, and something bad happend.

Someone went to our house at night. A guy shot me, near my heart. I was suffering for like 20 hours with that gunshot. When my family got home, they directly sent me to the nearest hospital. I was in coma for 5 months."

"What." They said in shock.

"If that's the case, we will come here often. Its really dangerous and you're a girl." Gray said in a caring tone.

"Yes. I agree with that." Jay sunbae agreed with Gray.

"No, its okay. I can handle myself." I said.

"No, we insist." Simon sunbae said. Aish, here we go again.

"Its okay sunbaes. If something bad happen, you will be the one I'll call first. And besides, I do Martial Arts."

Yeah, I've been in Martial Arts class since I was 10. It was just my past-time to lessen boredom.

"No. Its boring living alone, you know. Its nice to have somebody in your house--oh wait, what if we'll live here too? Oh that's really nice" Simon sunbae said.

What the fuck?

"That's a nice idea." Gray agreed.

The hell? What should I do? I agree with them too, but my oppa? What should I say to him? Or should I move out? Damn.

"If you're thinking about GD, don't worry. I know he's nice." Jay sunbae said complimenting my brother.

"Did you already meet him?"

"No. I just saw him. He's probably nice since her sister is nice too." - Jay

"Siblings have different personalities. Don't compare them." - Simon

"They just have some similar facial features but it doesn't mean they have the same personality." - Gray

"Uh? Guys?" I only said. Hello? The hell they're talking about. I'm still here.

"Oh, we're sorry" Jay sunbae apologized in behalf of them.

"Its okay. And I will let you live here since you're right, living alone is so boring. Hehe" I said.

"Okay! We will go now and pack our things up to move in here." Simon sunbae said and smiled widely just like a kid that recieved a chocolate. Sunbae is so cute haha

"Okay. Take care."


I diallled Crystal's phone number. I just woke up and its 9 AM.

I heard the other line rings.

[Ji Lin!] She said excitedly.

"Crystal, I'm sorry a while ago. I left you. Its just, we needed to go." I said apologizing to her about the thing in the café.

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