I love you

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Hey Lucy I remembered your name

'This is crazy'  (Y/N) thought to herself. 'I can't go on without Dan. I love him so much but I can never see him when I need him. It breaks my heart to think how much he doesn't know I do this to myself. Just wear the long sleeves and he won't notice.' She thought as she picked up the blade.

I left a dozen roses on your grave today

She continuously cut herself until she just had to stop. She cleared up the blood and put down the blade and rolled her sleeve down. She wiped away her tears as she started to text Dan.

(Y/N): Hey ❤️ can you come over
Dan: yeah, what time? Need something?
(Y/N) no, I just really need to talk to you.
Dan: On my way
(Y/N): Ok.
I'm in the grass on my knees, wipe the leaves away
"Crap I need to hide the blade." She said to herself worried that Dan would see it. She hid it in a flower vase. She then quickly changed into a (favorited band) long sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and her black and white converses.

"He'll understand..." she said


she heard the doorbell ding

"Perfect timing." She said to herself. She stood at the door for a few seconds, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

I just came to talk for a while. Got some things I need to say.

"Hey Dan." (Y/N) said.
"Hey, needed to talk?" The brown eyed man said.
"Yeah come on in." She said holding the door open, welcoming him in. He sat on the couch and she sat next to him in silence for a few seconds.
"(Y/N)... Are you okay?..." Dan asked. She suddenly broke down crying.
"Shhhhh it's okay shhhh.. Shhhhh" Dan said holding her close. She continued sobbing.
Now that it's over, I just want to hold her. I'd give up all the world to see that little piece of Heaven looking back at me.
"I'm sorry" she mumbled in his shirt.
Now that it's over, I just wanna hold her
I've gotta live with the choices I made. And I can't live with myself today.
"Don't be sorry.. You're okay, you're safe now.... You're safe." He said with his eyes closed.
"I need to show you something"
Hey Lucy I remembered your birthday
She rolled up her sleeve to show her scars.
"Help me" she said through tears. A tear rolled down Dan's cheek. He forced her into a hug. Dan got up, still embracing her, and leading them into (Y/N)'s room. They sat on the bed.
"I love you too much to let you do this to yourself. Please don't do it again. I would be the most depressed person in the world. I'd fight a thousand warriors, slay a dragon, or cry a river for you. I don't care what gets in my way, I'll be there for you. You are nothing like anyone else. You're special. You're beautiful and I will watch out for you. You're the shooting star out of a million still ones. You'll always be that bright light. I love you, no matter what."
I said I'd bring some closure to say your name.
(Y/N) was crying at Dan's words. "I love you too Daniel" she said sobbing into his chest. They then went under the blankets to make it feel more loving.
I know I'd do it all different if I had the chance
She feel asleep with her face buried in his chest. Dan was moving his hand in circles on her back.
But all I got are these roses to give. And they can't help me make amends.
"I love you too." He said drifting to sleep. He kissed her forehead. 
She suddenly woke up.
"Hey Dan?"
Now that it's over
I just wanna hold her
I give up all the world to see
That little piece of Heaven looking back at me
Dan looked down at (Y/N)
Now that it's over
I just wanna hold her
I gotta live with the choices I made
and I can't live with myself today
"Promise you love me?" She asked
Here we are
Now your in my arms
I never wanted anything so bad
Here we are for a brand new start
living the life that we could've had
Me and Lucy walking hand in hand
Me and Lucy never wanna end
Just another moment in your eyes
I'll see you in another life in Heaven
"(Y/N) I love you so much. If you were to be walking in front of a drunk driver, I would push you away so you wouldn't get hit. I would take a bullet for you. I would do anything to keep you safe. Jesus is always there even if I'm not here. Always have a Bible next to you if you ever feel like giving up if I'm not here. And I want you to read out of it. I know that it may be just reading but the words in it can be so powerful that it will make you cry of joyful tears. go to the book of Luke and read how you're here " Dan said. "Can you read it with me since I don't get to read my Bible often?" She asked. "Of course I will."  Dan said. They read from the book of at the end of the story, (Y/N) had nothing but a smile that said 'I'm proud to admit that I'm a Christian'.

Dan smiled and hugged her. They realized that it was one of their church nights and looked at the time.

"4:30... should we be getting ready for church?" (Y/N) asked. Dan nodded. They got off the bed and Dan went to the bathroom to change into his tie, pants, shirt and shoes. (Y/N) changed into her black dress, curled/straitened her hair, and put on her favorite pair of heels. Dan walked out of the bathroom and into the living room and waited on (Y/N) until she was ready. She put her makeup on and walked out of the bedroom. Dan looked at her and smiled. "You look beautiful" Dan said smiling. "Ready?" she asked. "Lets go." Dan said holding out is hand. She held his hand and walked to church with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2016 ⏰

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