My Bear (CinnamonToastKen Fan Fiction) **BREAKINGTHEINSANITY**

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Hey guys! BreakingTheInsanity here! This is my work and first ever Kennypoo fanfiction x3 No dissing allowed ;D Also the Final Fantasy thing is made up even though the number isn't xDD Please enjoy c:


Leaning back on the swing chair, sighing boredly I wrapped my blonde curl around my finger as I do when I'm bored. Today was a rather hot day, in its late 30's I would imagine. I took out one of my mangas, we weren't very busy today so why not? I looked around first to double check there was no one currently in the store; game shop. It was just me. I coughed slightly and started reading more of my manga: Death Note volume 5. Death Note was one of my favourite animes.

A few hours went by and I finished the book, I threw the anime book in the box beside the counter and just sat there, waiting for something exciting to happen... maybe someone will set the building on fire... that would be exciting... or ice... that would be cool. I face palmed myself, I watch too much fantasy movies. I took out my Samsung Galaxy and decided to watch Pewds, Smosh and Kens newest TTT video, I loved them all. In fact I loved almost every YouTuber.

Half way through the video the doors bell rung and someone walked in, I stood up faster then lightning and shoved the chair back with a kick. I smiled politely and stopped the video and the man walked up to me, he had dark brown eyes, very, very dark brown hair that was technically black and had a small beard growing. He was almost 10 centimetres taller then me and his build was medium. Over-all he was pretty cute. I smiled at him.

"Hi! How can I help you today, sir?" I asked in my polite tone. He smiled back.

"Yeah, I have a Final Fantasy VIII on layby for me till today." My jaw dropped, FFVIII? That doesn't come out for another month! And I absolutely love that series!

"I love that series! And right away! Just stay right here." I exclaimed in a excited tone. I walked into the back room where my boss was most likely.

"Hey Jack- uh I need Final Fantasy VIII for..." I trailed off, Jack glanced at me from where he was standing which was at the end of the storage room. I made a signal to be back in one sec and popped my head through the door, looking at the man again.

"Uh, whats your name?" I asked and his head snapped towards me.

"Ken." He replied and I disappeared back into the storage room.

"For Ken." I finished, Jack nodded moving down an aisle. He came back about five minutes later holding out the game for me, I walked up to him and grabbed it smiling at Jack as a 'thank you' and walked back into the store, "Ken" was still standing there, leaning over the counter. I smiled at him and walked to the computer to get rid of his name for the game. That rhymed. (Im so clever :3) I took off the layby sticker on the game and handing it to him.

"Thanks." He smiled, his southern accent blooming (Idefk.)

"No problem!" I replied and returned the smile. Ken walked out of the shop and I stretched, yawning.

The rest of the day was quiet and Jack left me off early so I walked home which was down the street. Literally and looked up at the sky which was a purple/orange colour due to the sunset, it was beautiful really. I was about to run a hand through my hair until I realized I was wearing a bear hat, you know those types of hats that have the bits down the sides? I have one of those. I got it when I fell inlove with CinnamonToastKen, because he has one identical to mine. I smiled remembering the video with Pewds, Smosh and Ken... that was filled with trust issues which was hilarious.

When I arrived at my brick one story house I unlocked the door and got inside closing it behind me, then remembered I had a babysitting job at 7:00pm... my life was filled with joy... oh yay... (SARCASM RIGHT THERE.) I had two jobs: Cashier of the game store and a babysitter... babysitting was so hard! I groaned miserably and walked down to my bathroom, looking into the mirror on the wall above the counter and saw my reflection: dark circles under my eyes and slightly messy hair. I let out an exasperated sigh (idek what exasperated means someone please lemme know xD...) and brushed my hair and then added a little foundation so i didn't look as tired. I then pulled my hair into a high ponytail so it waved from side to side whenever I moved my head.

I stood proud of my re-creation and walked into the lounge. I glanced at the clock and saw i had an hour till they arrive so i jumped on the couch and flicked the TV on. I love babysitting, it can be really fun but god, they can be brats at time.

I watched Regular Show whilst waiting for the two kids that were meant to be coming.

------To Be Continued------
Next Chapter: Babysitting.
A/N: I was going to write the babysitting in this chapter but I'm on my ipod so icbf xD

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