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First Encounter ~ September 18th

"You've changed, Jasmine." is all I have heard since I was 14. I know I have changed but I could careless about how it isn't the right change for me.

I used to be an innocent little girl; so pure, and always cautious of what I did and who I hung out with. I was the most popular girl in middle school up until the summer before 9th grade.

My dad left my mother, my older sister Lena, and I for a woman who he had a love child with. It tore me apart. My dad and I were very close. He treated me like I was his princess.

He was the best dad in the world to me but he was also a cheating bastard. I hate my dad now and he is the reason why I changed.

I was devastated over the fact that my parents divorced. I was depressed; I never would have thought that could happen to me. My parents were always smiling at each other and were so loved up and affectionate towards that you would have never thought they had problems.

It was like they lied to Lena and I. She didn't take it as hard as I did because she was never very close with are dad.

After my dad left my mom started to turn into a bitch and I fucking hated her for it. She would yell at me for no apparent reason and she favored Abby a lot.

I was sick of it and I was so tired of keeping my emotions all bottled up inside of me so I lost control of myself. I started drinking and smoking weed. Once school began, I started getting into fights, always being sent to the principal office everyday, or always suspended.

I lost all of my friends but I didn't care; I made new friends who did the same things I did. My mother got angry, she sent me to a therapist, group meetings, and whole bunch of other shit that I couldn't care about. She would piss me off so much that I tell her off or curse her out.

She was fed up with me and my behavior so she decided to send me to a reform school in Liverpool for 4 months. I didn't want to go at all.

She didn't understand that this is how I am and that I can't change and I won't change. She doesn't understand how she makes me feel by treating Lena like she's a princess and treats me like shit.

My mother drove down the rutted gravel road; taking the tight turns down it which seemed to take forever. Her and Lena were talking like I wasn't leaving them for 4 months. It was pissing me off!

It was like they didn't even care about me which actually hurt. I feel so alone in the world and nobody gets how it feels. I zoned everything out as the piano to My Immortal by Evanescence played softly in my ears.

' Im so tired of being here, Suppressed by all my childish fears,

And if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave,

Cause your presence still lingers here, And it wont leave me alone,

These wounds wont seem to heal, This pain is just too real,

There's just too much that time cannot erase'

Its weird how lyrics can know exactly how you feel. As we entered the woods it gave me a peculiar vibe that sent chills running up and down my spine. I have a really bad feeling about this reform school.

We finally pulled up at the sad looking reform school that was in the middle of the woods. The buildings were all made out of rosy brick with brown rooftops that were rough looking, big glass windows and black doors. Kids my age were standing around either looking bored or narked. I pulled my ear buds out of my ears and sighed. I really didn't want to be here..

"Were doing this for you, Jas. We want you to get better." My mum informs me sadly, while I look out the window taking in the desolate scenery.

They want me to get better? Being at sorrowful school is not going to help me get better, its just going to make me worse. I turn towards my mum narrowing my eyes at her as the rage builds inside of me wanting to erupt.

"Sending me to this stupid ass reform school isn't going to help me get better." I say raising my voice in anger and frustration. She doesn't get it!

"Jasmine Marie do not curse at me!" She shrieks, almost in tears. I roll my eyes at her and get out of her blue corolla slamming the door in the process.

She needs to understand that her and my dad are the reason why im this way. They don't understand that they're inflicted the pain in my heart. Im tired of feeling alone all the time.

I bit my lip as tears roll down my cheeks, grabbing my suitcases. I close the boot of the car and start walking towards the campgrounds without saying goodbye to Lena or my mum. I felt eyes burning into the side of my head as I walked making me feel uncomfortable. I drop my stuff once Im inside the brick building and get to one of the dormitory advisors who's supposed to tell me where my dorm is. She was tall with blonde hair that hung above her collarbone and obsidian eyes that gleamed with disgust while she was also sporting a phony smile.

"Name?" Her voice was coated with fake enthusiasm, I just wanted to slap her. She was annoying me by being fake.

"Jasmine Stone."


Once I was settled in, I decided to check out the place. I was walking down the hallway quietly until I was knocked into almost making me fall to the ground until two muscular arms wrapped around my waist. I turned around locking my violet eyes with turquoise ones who belonged to a brown haired boy with ashen skin from the bitter weather. His arms unraveled from my waist as soon as I was on my feet.

"Im sorry I almost made you fall." His voice was silky and smooth like a song being played on the piano making my heart speed up a bit. I don't know why my heart sped up a bit or why I get this frightened feeling towards him. He sends off this intimidating vibe and its making me feel uncomfortable.

"I-It's alright." I stammered nervously. Why am I nervous? I don't even know him.

He chuckles darkly before staring into my eyes narrowing his in the process. I stared back at him titling my head to the side trying to decode his exterior. I don't know how long we were standing there looking at each other, but when a door slammed shut are intense stare down stopped. The strange boy gazes down the hall then back at me again.

"Your eyes are different but beautiful." That's all he says before walking right past me and down the hall. Goosebumps form on my skin and the peculiar feeling I got from the woods came back.

I don't know who the hell he is but one thing is for sure that I need to stay away from him...

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