This Is What You Call 'Late Karma'

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"Elena?" A shaky voice spoke, I groaned not looking up from my book that was just about to get into the juicy details and reveal things I been dying to know, but like always someone has to interrupted.

I didn't recognize the voice maybe is just one of moms new employees who want to present themselves properly. I still don't look up, Is it rude that I'm still trying to read?

"You can come back later, I am busy right now." He didn't budge at all he just stood there, maybe watching me. His presence is now distracting me, why can't he leave? That's so disrespectful unless mom had gotten me a sitter. Impossible who wants to take care of a 17 year old?

"Ok what the fuck do you not-" I turn my face towards the male figure and gasped. Oh shit this seriously can't be happening. I was looking/staring at the guy in front of me. If his the guy I'm talking about his totally changed.

He was taller, muscular, different hair style, no more nerdy outfits, no more thick glasses, his hair wasn't in a quiff, and he had a few tattoos in his arm visible, maybe this is his long lost twin brother.

My brain was trying to come up with every excuse so I wouldn't torture myself. It's just it couldn't be him why would he come back? Did he come back for me after 2 years!

"Marc-el?" I whisper tears threatening to spill, immediately feeling stupid as I watched his reaction he doesn't seem affected at all his just watching me emotionless almost.

I got up from my comfy chair about to fulfill the first thing that pop in my head which was to hug him. But stop when he shook his head side to side signaling a 'no'.

I furrowed my eyebrows, oh shit maybe he isn't Marcel after all, I stood there awkwardly as I felt my cheeks heat up. Embarrassment is an understatement right now.

"Yes, I mean no. I am Harry Styles now." Wait what does he mean by his 'Harry Styles' now. I can't even concentrate his voice has changed is so deep and husky and sexy and stop. How did he even change his name anyways?!

"Mar- Harry how did you-"

"Is called America land of the free where you do whatever you want, and also have special privileges like for example changing your name."

"Yeah but your not llega-"

"I'm 18, my birthday was last month, did you forget that already." Shoot me now. How could I forget his birthday!?

"That look says it all." There were many questions traveling around my head. Like are we still dating, because I dated no one since his departure hoping that one day he will come back for me.

"Why are you changing your-"

"Don't, please cut the innocent a-"

"But M-Harry-"

"But Harry what, huh, HARRY FUCKING WHAT?! What do you want to say?! that you were too scared to help me! Well let me tell you that's no secret. Every time they insulted me you will just give me a pity look not even a reassuring smile or something else, all I got was fucking pity,"

I didn't interrupt my eyes were starting to water again, every word he said sting with hurt. He stare down at me with so many emotion appose to a few minutes ago. Is crazy how people changed so quickly.

"I was so dumb and didn't stand up for myself I know, but with every fucking insult that they threw at me, something stood up like a sore thumb. You want to know what?" I slowly nodded still holding eye contact with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2017 ⏰

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