chapter 16: Mabel's new boyfriend?!

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It's a nice summer sunny day, Stanley is working for a while so he ask me to relax for the day, so me, the twins and Soos are watching television when a commercial break come and it shows someone's hands let go of birds then the birds fly away.

"hey, look its that commercial I was telling you guys about" said Soos.

"are you completely mislabel?" Said the commercial person,then shows us  a man crying on a bed.

"yes!" he said while looking at the camera.

"then you need to meet Gideon~." said the commercial person voice.

"Gideon?" Said dipper.

" what's so special about him,"ask Mabel.

"he's a psychic" said the commercial person , as Mabel look confused by what he said.

"so don't waste your time with other so-called man of mystery" said the commercial person while showing Stan coming out of the bathroom then he was shaking his leg because It had some toilet paper stuck on his shoe then the word fraud come up.

"learn about tomorrow, tonight! at Gideon's tent of telepathy" said the commercial person then words come up but they were to fast to read them.

"wow im getting all Curious-y inside" said Mabel, to be honest that Gideon kid is a troublemaker to the mystery shack, he's even Stan's enemy. Just then Stan come in .

"well, don't get too Curious-y! ever since that monster Gideon roll into town, I had nothing but trouble!" said Stan while taking off his jacket,it's true like last time me and Stanley were going to the mall we were looking for a empty spot to park when we found one Stan back up,then Gideon's bus come with fans and took our spot Stanley did not like that.

"well, is he really psychic?" Said Mabel.

"I think we should find out"said dipper.

"Never!,your forbidden from patronizing  the Competition! no one that  lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!" Said Stan.

"do tents have roofs?" Said dipper.

"I think we just found our lope hole....Literally" said Mabel showing dipper a lope hole.

"so come down soon folks,Gideon is expecting you" said the commercial person.

Time skip

The kids told me that there going to see Gideon's show tonight and told me not to tell Stan,I always keep my promises most of the time,I wonder if there having fun? Well I'll found out later,I'm bored and I have nothing to do maybe I can draw a little,its been awhile since I draw, I went to the closest and grabbed my sketch book and open it to a blank page I don't know what to draw, then dipper and Mabel pop up in my mind so decided to draw them,it took me 50 minutes to finish it ,since I finished i decided to look at the photo album and see all of my memories.

i see me and my two old friends in California when we were little girls,then i turned to the next page and see a picture of a rose and other flowers i smile remembering the old times,then when i turn to the next page ,i was shock.

i saw me,Stanley and Stanford and we're all laughing at each other i remember this,we we're very young like 13 we prank some kids who were being mean to ford so me and Stan threw water balloons at them, then we all threw water balloons at each other my mom took the picture,i just smile remembering that time. I still miss you Stanford, as much as I hated hiding his existences to the twins i have no choice I had to hide our photos together, our family album and his study room just for them not getting any suspicious towards us.

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