A christmas to remember(edward elric love story)INFO

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Name:(Amelia grays)


Hair:long blond




Father:none(Calvin grays)

Mother:none(samantha grays)


brother:none(chase grays)


traits:smart,strong,nice,cute,short tempered at times.

Back story: i was running. i don't remember where but all i knew was that i had to keep running. then i remembered. flashback about five Mins

my brother picked me up and ran to the door. i could hear screaming. "Amy. i want you to run to the rockbells and don't stop running in till you get there"said my brother he set me down and opened the door. i was about 8-10."but...what about you?"i asked. "it doesn't matter as long as your safe. now go."said my brother as he pushed me out the door. he quickly shut the door. he screamed. i started banging on the door."brother let me in!"i yelled. "a-Amy...RUN!"he yelled. someone opened the door. he was covered in blood. i ran. i didn't stop. and now here i am running for my life. i ran and ran. it seamed like forever, but i finally i made it to winry's house. i ran up to the door. i knocked. winry opened the door."hello...oh hi Amy...whats wrong?"she asked. i was so busy running that i hadn't noticed i was crying. "i...my...i don't know"i stuttered. "winry?who's there"ponoko asked. "Amy...but i think something happened."said winry. "well let her in. we don't want her to get any more wet then she already is"she said. winry let me in. we walked over to the couch and sat down. ponoko gave me a cup of tea then sat down in an empty chair. "so tell us amy what happened?"ponoko asked. i just sat there and shivered as i remembered all that blood. "t-there..was s-so...much blood"i said. "winry gasped. "what happened?"she asked. "i...think...there."i started but couldn't finish. "its OK dear.lets get you upstairs where you can get some rest."said ponoko. i got up. winry and i went upstairs because it was time to go to bed. all remember after that was siting on winrys bed crying. about three or four days went by. i never left winrys room. winry would try to cheer me up but it never worked. then one day there was a knock on the door. i looked up from the chair that was in winrys room. winry was siting on the bed. ill be back"she said as she got up and went downstairs. she came back with ed and Al.i haven't seen them sense there mom died "Amy?"al asked. "hi"i said with a tiny smile. "wow you look really pale. are you ok?"ed asked. i nodded. winry looked down at her feet then whispered something to ed. ed then looked up at me. he frowned. al noticed. "whats the matter brother?"he asked. "your family di."edward started but i didn't get to hear the rest. i was up and down the stairs in seconds. i quickly ran down the road. then i made it to my favorite tree. my head then started to hurt. thats what i get for not eating. i walked over to the tree and sat down. i sighed. i then felt tears coming to my eyes. i tried to hold them back. "amy?" i looked up and saw ed. "what."i spat. "im sorry. i shouldn't have said that."he said as he walked over to the tree and sat down next to me. "don't be. im sorry too."i said. "for what?"ed asked. "your mom...she died didn't she?"i asked. ed looked down at his feet and nodded. "but...were going to bring her back"said ed as he looked up and smiled at me. "how?"i asked. "alchemy"he replied. my eyes widened. i didn't know much about alchemy but i did know human transmutation was forbidden. "can you promise me something"i asked. "like what?"ed asked. "do you think...well i mean...if you do human transmutation you have to promise me that you wont die. ok?"i asked. edward looked at me a little surprised but then nodded. after all we are best friends then he left to learn alchemy. so that was that.its been about 2 years sense my family died and ed and al left. i was just starting to feel better in till that night. FLASHBACK- it was raining outside. then the door suddenly opened. there was a man in armor and in his arms was edward. he was bleeding so much his arm was gone so was his leg."please help him. hes gonna bleed to death"said a voice. i recognized that voice instantly. it was al."al...is that you"said winry. five or ten minuets later ed was in a bed and we were all in the room talking. "we didn't even know you were back from training...how did all this happen al?"winry asked. "well clearly its a product of mischeif. you were trying to bring back your mother wernt you"said ponoko. al sighed then the door opened. "well that explains a few things a human transmutation. ive never seen such a furious reaction before"said a man. he had black hair and balck eyes. he shut the door. "pardon me"he said as he held up a silver watch. it was a state alchemist watch. "a...state alchemist?"al asked. "what are you doing here?"ponoko asked. i just stude there and said nothing."i have no time to entertain dogs cant you see these boys are hurt"ponoko explained. "take it easy  i was just checking the mail."said the man as he held up a letter. "one of are letters! then you know where my dad is?"al said."i only wish kid weve been looking for hohenheim for a long time and were still picking up dirt"said the man."well if you didn't have any information why did you come you sure ant heck going to find there dad here"ponoko said"lets call it nostalgia or misplaced curiosity. whatever it was im happy i came. if these boys can try human alchemy and survive there dad just droped a run on my priority list."said mustang *WHAT!* "i want you out of this house immediately ive had enough lives recked by the state"ponoko yelled. the man walked over to the door. "the names L.t carnal roy mustang. state alchemist. pay me a visit at central sometime"said roy. and with that he left. i then ran upstairs and packed my bags. then i went back downstairs and put on my coat. "where are you going amy"winry asked. "im going to central. if im going to do anything with my life i might as well go with that mustang guy and become part of the military"i said. "oh and al...tell ed i said goodbye. maybe well see each other someday"i said as i ran out of the house. i looked down the road. mustang was in the distance. i quickly ran to catch up. "bye amy! be carful! and make sure you visit sometimes!"winry yelled. "will do!"i yelled. ever sence i left that day i have had no regrets. the military is my family now. i have roy to thank for that. he even knew my dad. he said they used to be old drinking buddies. roys like my dad, so is alex. rizas like my mom. so is Olivier but i haven't seen her in so long because she went to Briggs so i am now 15. i am in the military. riza teaches me how to shoot a gun' and for my 14th birthday she gave me my own gun. i loved that day. sometimes i think im living the best life in the world' but i cant help but think that somethings missing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2011 ⏰

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