Saving Grace

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8am, Saturday morning.

I was awoken by the sound of heavy metal music bellowing through the open door at the other end of the Hall way.

"Knock it off dad" I shouted wearily, slamming my bedroom door.

The painful music remained.

"I mean it!" I shouted, clambering out of bed and retreating into my father's room.

He once again ignored me, bringing me to the realisation that my feeble voice was unaudiable over the sound of his horrific musical instruments. Unable to Stand it a moment longer; I marched over to him and ripped the plug from its socket.

"Morning twinkle, did you sleep well", came his reply.

Was he actually being serious? When the voices from the party had died down (at about 1:00Am) and I had calmed my little brother; who was suitable overwhelmed, I got about 3 hours of solid sleep before I was awoken again by the sound of a key in the lock and Woman's voice wishing my dad goodnight.

"What the hell do you think?" I said sarcastically; perching myself on the edge of the drum kit.

"Hey, don't sit there honey! You will damage them!", Dad said gently, obviously avoiding the question.

"Who was she?" I persisted angrily.

"Who was who?"

"Don't play games with me dad.. I know..."

Th that point dad would have probably told me a pathetic lie about some old friend but we were interrupted by my little brother Sam, who wandered through the Door rubbing his heavy eyes.

"Look at the state of him Dad.. you kept him away until all hours, with your stupid music and drunken friends.. not to mention the stupid slag snoggin your face off at 4:00 this morning!"

Sam smiled and clambered onto the bed.

"I like your music Dad, and your friends are funny", he said innocently.

"Yeah, stop being so dramatic Grace"

I was outraged. since mum had left, I had taken over her duties, cleaning the house, making tea, caring for Sam... and this is how he repays me? Well not anymore! .

"That's it.. I'm leaving" I bellowed, routing for my keys.

"Don't be stupid, your only 15"

" EXACTLTY! I am sick of looking after you both!" I screamed.

Ok.. that was a lie. I had brought Sam up from being a baby and i loved him more than life it's self, but there was nothing else I could do. This was the only way to make Dad face up to his responsibilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2013 ⏰

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