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This chapter will suck dearly and I am sorry v.v

Harry's POV--

I turned around quickly coming face to face with a very familiar face. I knitted my eye brows together staring at her trying to rake my brain for faces. Nope didn't recognize her. At least I think so..

"Harry?" I watched as she walked towards me. I looked at Allie who was standing in front of the window as she pointed to planes taking off into the sunrise a smile on her face. The different shades of orange and pink sinking into her peach face. I smiled weakly as I directed my attention back on the female.

"What are you doing here? I'm sorry about Eli.. And how I was when we were younger.. After she moved out of those woods and came home I just.. I couldn't handle her meeting someone like you an-" I stopped her right their lifting my hand up to silence her. I smiled weakly at her and pulled her into a hug. I knew who this was. It was her sister. Adeline.

"I'm not mad Adeline.. It's okay" I whispered as I felt her arms wrap around me as well. Adeline looked like the very older version of Eli, but she was her older sister. I swallowed back tears at the thought of Eli in our presence. After those 2 weeks I didn't see Eli at all, it made me miss her even worse than before.

I felt Adeline place her hand on my shoulder as I looked at her with glassy eyes. I smiled and looked over my shoulder at Allie before looking back at her. I watched as she smiled as I returned it.

"Just remember, now that your a dad, doesn't mean you have to quit the band.. Don't think I haven't heard" she gave me a playful glare as I only chuckled as sighed thinking about how devastated the boys could be right now.

"But know that I'm a dad I just want to-"

"Be their for her when she needs it? I understand that Harry, but you could just take her with you! She's 4 she might be feisty at first but your her dad she'll soften up" she smiled laughing. She's laughing. Now? Why is she laughing? How will I watch her? I mean Alex but..

"How can I watch her? I'll be performing for her and theirs this notebook that she gave Allie that I have to read and-"

"Haven't you gotten a babysitter? Theirs this girl.. Shoot I forgot her name! But she was Eli's BestFriend I'm pretty sure she could watch her just give her a call.. I thought you would do that once she opened her mouth saying dada" she wasn't laughing as hard but she was still laughing.

"Alex.." I mumbled under my breath. She sounded as if she was about to speak when someone interrupted her.

Plane to London now boarding..


"Here.." She handed me a piece of paper with her number " me if anything I'll be around just call me anytime you need to sweetie.. See you around" I watched as she walked threw the crowd of people soon losing sight of her and listened as it was the last call for the plane.

"Oh shit" I mumbled as I picked up Allie and the bags walking to the terminal. I smiled handing her the ticket and boarding the small plane. God it was so cramped up and small, who can even handle these things? I groaned and I placed Allie down sliding into the seat next to her. I looked out the window and sighed feeling her warm body start to curl up next to me. I smiled and placed a kiss on her head laying mine I too of hers. Soon I was asleep in seconds.





But at least it was an update right? Okay then!


:] but I have a fresh mind of ideas, but it wouldn't hurt if you tell me some of your ideas right?


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