A long time ago

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A dragon was sitting at her last three eggs. She was waiting for them to come out and she hoped she could learn them fly. But she wasn't that young and strong as before. She was the protector of Lake City. She fighted against evil and let the people be fair. But evil became stronger as she became older and weaker. The evil took away human's hope. When Silla, that's her name, was young and strong, the people in the city were rich and happy. But now, it totally changed. The people are hungry and they started to steal from others to feed their own children. Every time they're trying it again, they are working hard, they give the ground all water it needs and they pray. But the plants wouldn't grow. Sometimes there is a little bit food, but mostly not even enough to feed a little child. So these eggs were city's hope. Silla's eyes opened slowly, she was tired. She looked at her eggs, then held her head up and looked around. She was a little bit nervous. Would her eggs come out? Would they be fine, you know, with everything on it. Cause what if one would miss his wings. She can't leave one behind because it can't fly. No she wouldn't do that. But the most important question: would she be a good mother and raise a protector for Lake City? People really needed a new hero. Evil destroyed a lot from their city and it's too dangerous to leave the city and selling stuff to others. The people were always making their money with selling their stuff to other cities. It was this week the time for her eggs to come out. It took weeks to build a nest. Less than finding a save place where evil can't reach. She choose a ruin, which was first called Gorlan. But destroyed years ago by the army of the mountains, who worked on devil's side. But they got destroyed by their own friend the evil as they helped a witch from Gorlan' s town. She left before the fight and wanted to come back and help the people to build it up again. The people couldn't get out of their own city cause the army of the mountains build a big wall around it. The witch could easily break through this wall with a single spell but she got hunted by orc's and so didn't arrive.

She was thinking about this fight when suddenly her eggs began to move. She looks surprised up and starts to smile. The first egg is scratching open and a little red dragon looks up to his mother. Then just two seconds later the second egg slowly tares open. A dark blue little dragon is sleepily coming out her egg. Silla looks surprised at her children. She smiles and thinks: how wonderful! But there is still a last egg. It doesn't move. Mother's smile disappeared. Would the last one come out?

A long time they're waiting on this last egg. But after five hours the mother took her young dragons with her to learn them fly. As she flow away with the little dragons on her back she looked once again at her last egg. She didn't wanted to leave it. But there is not a lot chance that it still would come out. Dragon eggs are always coming after each other out. So as she was thinking about this she flew to another place to learn her dragons how to fly.

The first thing I saw was wonderful white blue light. But after a few seconds I found out that there was something wrong. I was alone. And I'm scared. How am I supposed to protect myself? (Not that I thought that exactly but it's the way it felt). How did I come up here? I'm sure I didn't build this nest myself. I saw two broken and empty eggs. And I saw the one where I came out. There were others here before me. But where are they now? I was shocked and I felt cold. The only thing I wanted was that I found someone who would care for me. I walked as good as bad as it went to the side of the nest. Slowly and unhandy I climbed up the rand. I shocked when I saw everything under me. I was even more scared than before. Everything looks so big there. I am looking surprised at everything under me and then I see something moving. I felt happy. Someone would come and help me. But it went very fast. And when it came a little closer I began to doubt. I was first sure it would be someone to help me. But it comes so fast. And it comes closer. I can see it's a large bird. And it comes so fast closer. I see dark eyes and I realize that it wasn't a friendly big bird. I felt back in to the nest. The big bird flies reckless over me. I realized it would have caught me if I didn't fall. Scared I stood up and walked unhandy to the other side of the nest. I thought that maybe the rand of the nest could protect me. I slowly held my head up to look over the rand. The big bird was coming again.


Thanks for reading!!!

I wrote this story once for school. It doesn't really have a good end,  so comment if you want an end and all tips are welcome. :) 

Hope you like it!:)

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