Chapter 9

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AN: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for the super long time to update. I will be updating a few more times today since I am so behind. Well here is the very long awaited chapter 9. Enjoy. :)

Katniss POV


After breakfast Peeta and I go into the sitting room to talk about the next meeting with everyone. We sit there for no more than fifteen minutes when Haymitch walks in with a red face, and Effie following him shortly also with a red face, wig slightly askew. Peeta and I look at each other, reading each others minds on what they were doing, and we have to choke down a burst of laughter.


"Katniss." Haymitch says to me. "Can I steal you away from lover boy for a few minutes?" Peeta and I look at each other and I get up to follow Haymitch. We walk into the dining room and he gestures for me to take a seat, and I do.


"What do you want Haymitch?"


"I want to talk to you about walking out on the meeting yesterday."


"I just got mad okay? I never wanted these games, I was just." I trail off, and Haymitch finishes my sentence.


"Blinded by grief?"




"I know you're upset, but running out on a situation won't solve anything."


"Oh, like drinking will."


"Hey, I'm a special case, and I never said it solved anything."


"Whatever. But she won't listen."


"Well it's kind of hard to listen with someone running out the door. Listen sweetheart.  You can't just run away from your problems, you've gotta stand up and fight for it."

"Even if I did, she won't listen. I don't think she understands if we do this, she might have an uprising on her hands, and I don't wanna go through another war." I get up and start to walk out the door, and right before I leave and I turn around. "Oh, and Haymitch, you should take your own advice, or lock the door to the supply closet next time." and with that I was out the door leaving a dumbfounded, red faced Haymitch behind.

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