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Sunday, September 15th 2013

Eleanor's POV

Today, Lakeview High was resuming, I know u may be wondering why a school would resume on a Sunday. Well, to answer to that, it's not fully resuming, let's just say it's resuming only for boarders, yh... I'm a boarder so yh. Anyways, I'm just looking forward to seeing new friends, some maybe in my class, some, maybe not. Well, I've got to unpack now.

When I was done unpacking, I went downstairs to mingle with my friends... As I was walking I saw my best friend, Celine. I quickly waved her over.
Before I knew it, I don't know how but I found myself on the floor with a really bad headache... Then I realized, I was attacked by I'm sure you already know who


"Ellyyyy! I've missed you so much! Did you?! Don't worry, I know you did! There's no way, one couldn't miss such a darling like moi! Oh, Did I hurt you?", she ranted all in one breath.

"As a matter of fact, you did so help me up, rabbish"

She quickly help me up then I attacked her back with a bone crushing hug... I mean that's what I could give her back as she had been my best friend since grade 4 or so I thought... Well, I see her as my best friend cuz she's been with me and has been my friend since my former school in grade 3 and we both transfered to Lakeview middle school in Year 6 up until now so yh, that's pretty much why...

"Hey Ooo! Elly! Earth to Elly. Anyways, Who's that over there", Cece said pointing at a lonely and quiet girl sitting on her own at a corner.

"Must be a new girl. Let's go meet her", I said, getting excited.

We quickly rushed over to her. She was dressed in mufty not housewear... Maybe cuz she hasn't gotten hers yet.

"Hello... I'm Celine Woods and this is my best friend, Eleanor Sparks..who are you? Are you in Year 8?Are-"

"Cece! Calm down! Heey, she's just too excited, wait chill, let me call my friends over. Heather! Rabbiya! Callie! Come over"

They rushed over and began their introductions.

"Hey, I'm Heather Briggs"

"Rabbiya Goon"

"Callie Smith"

"Hey, I'm Chloe Sanders in Year 8 also"

"Do you have any other name?", Heather asked.

"Yh, Rae"

"Oh ok.. Thanks"

Chloe just gave a curt nod and tipped her head down again.

"Let's go upstairs and unpack and sleep", I said to them and we all went including Chloe.

So here's the thing, I'm a Catholic and as I was done doing my prayers I saw the shadow of Chloe doing what Catholics do so I was wondering if she was one so I went up to her and asked her when she was done but she said no. Strange though. Have to sleep now so I told her nite and left.

The next day, 8:00am

"Hey people! This is Chloe Sanders", I say to the class. "She's new in our class so an introduction would be nice". Then I left her to stand on her own.

"And Hey too! If you don't already know Chloe, I'm Leslie Parker and this person with Me here is also a new friend joining us, his name being Aden Stone", Lee said with a smirk on his face as always. Prick.

Chloe's POV

I took a look at Aden, he had a chubby face and quite chubby body, yh... But not bad looking at all. He looked kinda shy though.

"Hey newbies, I'm Sasha Coker!", a fair girl said.

Then a dark skinny girl about my height came to me and said, "Hey, I'm Margaux James, Hey to you to Aden!"

"You already know us Chloe but Aden doesn't so we have to reintroduce ourselves, I'm Callie Smith and she's Rabbiya Goon", Callie said, referring to herself and Rabbi.

"Well, I'm Ethan Pier", a really fair short boy said said.

"And I'm Tyler Miah also known as the joker", A really dark and once again, short boy said which was followed by a series of laughter.

"Heather, introduce yourself, be nice", Elly said to Heather.

"Chloe already knows me so what's the point". Heather said with a snare.

I can tell Heather doesn't like Aden but why though?

"Heather! Aden too"

"Well, you've been calling my name so doesn't he already know, sheesh, and u, Aden, I don't like you", Heather said and walked away.

"Ok, sorry about that, as you can see, she certainly doesn't like you but I hope that's cool with you though, but she's Heather Briggs by the way", Elly tried to explain in he best possible way to Aden.

"Yh", that was all he said before he walked to his seat.


After we both had collected our notes and all, it was time for math class.

Elly's POV

After Mr Jones had given us math lessons, he gave us classwork. When we were done, he told us to switch our notes with someone so we could not cheat as were supposed to mark the work. I ended up with Chloe's work and surprisingly she got everything right. Hmm, this girl is good. We were asked to switch back. Chloe still wasn't smiling. Gosh, that girl hardly smiles.

"So who got everything?", Mr Jones asked the class.

No one did I guess apart from Chloe as no one put up their hand including Chloe. I was just about to call her when she slowly put her hand up. Nice, she isn't a braggart then. I'm going to like this girl.




Attacking with Neon&Love,


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