I remember you everytime I see the color Red. (True Story)

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I remember you every time I see the color Red. [A true story]

[[ hello readers! This is my first time writing. This story actually happened to me. My heart still aches when I remember him. ]]

I liked you before. Then you became hers. I did not really think much about it since I was also involved with someone else. You were an unattainable guy anyway. You were too perfect for me and she was just right for you. I busied myself with my studies and we occasionally exchanged polite words and smiles. But you were always with her and I can only look. No hope of making you mine at all. You were hers. Period.

Then, the unbelievable happened. You and she broke up. She cannot keep up with your perfection. She told me as much as I listened to her. I sympathized with her. She was after all, my best friend. I even tried to get you two back together again but she said that it was a lost cause and that you said that it was never going to work the second time around. So, I stepped out of your picture and grieved the loss of your relationship. You loved her so and she you.

Then, she found someone new. Someone she is not afraid to show her real self to. This was something that she can never do when she was with you. So I can understand her side very much. I cheered for her and encouraged her to be more open with her new person. I would hear a few words from her regarding you and I would think back to the time when I first saw you. My heart did a little spin but I knew that even if you and she are no longer together, she still holds your heart.

Then came the time when we have to resume our studies again. I was busy with my studies, so much so that I lived and breathed inside the library, surrounded by books and the ever present sheaf of loose papers to write my notes. I had no time for her and my other friends. I had to make my parents proud for they warned me that if I do not excel this second semester, they would forbid me to continue on hanging out with my friends. Cruel and unjust they are but they are my parents. I cannot do anything about it.

I was buried under my books, trying to unravel the mysteries of the birthing process and learning the procedures of blood transfusion at the same time, when someone said hi beside me. I ignored the vaguely familiar voice, supposing that it was addressing someone else. Then, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up and encountered his smiling face directed towards me. My heart did that little spin again which I was starting to suspect, was especially reserved for him. I said hi in return and offered him a small smile. He asked me if the empty seat beside me was taken. I said that it was not. He asked if it was okay to sit there and I said yes.

He plopped down on the seat and opened his Math book and started to read. I went back to my books as well and answered the questions that our kind teacher gave us for homework. I gave him no heed anymore as I was absorbed into the world of nursing procedures. The only hint of my discomfort was my rigid shoulders. I was not used to having someone beside me when I am doing my marathon study sessions. I was a loner despite the few friends I had.

Then, the bell rang and he got up. He told me that he had to go now because he had class. Before I can lift my head and say goodbye to him, he was already walking towards the doors. I just stared at his broad shoulders until it disappeared from my sight. Then, once again, I buried my head in my books and continued my work.

Tuesday was my favorite day for I only have three classes. So, at three thirty pm, after the bell signaled the end of my class, I headed right away to the library. I have to study once again for my unit exams were coming up. I pushed open the glass doors and walked towards my usual spot. It was almost always empty and no one really sits there except for me.

Putting down my backpack on the table, I hit the bookshelves and scanned for the books I would need. Pulling out three references, I went back to my table and faltered in my steps. It was him. He was sitting in the same chair again and I was looking at his back. Gulping down my nervousness and ignoring the predictable spin my heart made, I moved forward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2010 ⏰

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