Don't Look Behind You

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She sat silently rocking our Grant to sleep. Yet she had no idea what I was planning to do to her. She couldn’t just divorce me for that jerk, and then bring Grant into this. I’ve been planning this for about a week and I already knew my course of killing her. I slipped the key into the keyhole and slipped in silently,but the door squeaked loud enough for her to hear. She whipped around and said “Who is it?!” I didn’t have time to close the door so I ran for the family room where the record player was. She got up and looked around,but she left Grant on the rocking chair his five year old body slumped over in the rocking chair. I then called Her into the family room where my plan would take place. “David! What are you doing here!?” She exclaimed. “Just looking around. Getting my son from a coward like you and Steve.” I said emphasizing you and Steve. “What do you mean? He’s fine with me!” She said. “Now tell me how much you miss me. Lets listen to our song… Hmmm?” I asked her. If she said no I would do it anyway. “Now… If you excuse me for getting some wine from the kitchen.” I said. She stood in shock. I walked to the kitchen to get the wine and the biggest knife I could find.

I went back in and heard the song repeat I knew this time I would have to kill her. “Well I’m afraid that it’s time for you to leave this house.” I said very grimly towering over her. At that moment she started to say something,but I wasn’t interested in hearing it. I cut her off by slitting her Throat. By that time I noticed Grant was staring right at us. He was tearing up but I couldn’t just stop my plan for him. Now this is the moment that he becomes a man. I thought to myself. I started sawing her apart. Dismembering every possible Piece of evidence I had been here. As the end of the song started I removed her Intestines and put them around the room,as if I were putting christmas garland around the room. And now for the Toast. “Grant my boy come here.” I said. “You don’t have to be scared.Your mother wanted this and so I gave it to her!” I said to him smiling. “But, Daddy you hurt her?” He had said. by that time I had gotten mad “GRANT SHUT UP!” I screamed, but I knew I had to calm down.”Now Grant let’s toast this moment!” I said smiling. I poured some wine into a glass and toasted “To us!” “To us!” he said after me. I sat on the couch and admired my bloody art work. “Daddy,” he said suddenly. “I love you!” he continued. “Love you too son, I love you too.” At that moment I knew that he would follow in my foot steps.

30 years later

“We finally found a home that’s going to fit all of us!” Jenna exclaimed to her four kids. “MOM! I want this room it’s really big!” her youngest daughter said.“ With this new house you kids can have your own rooms!” She exclaimed. “YES!” her kids said excitedly. “Now you guys stay here,and Carolynn will baby sit you.” She Said looking at her Oldest daughter. “COME ON! Really we just got here and now you’re telling me to watch these things!” Carolynn Exclaimed. “ Well do you Want to go grocery shopping… No I thought so, and you need to pick a room.” Jenna said with the attitude. “FINE Jenna!” “what was that I didn’t catch that because I’m your mother and I can still give you a spanking!”Jenna yelled to her daughter. “Bye kids if you need anything just call me!”

At the store Jenna was walking down the isle looking for cereal she noticed that she felt eyes on her. She started to look around and noticed A guy with beautiful blue/green eyes, and a very lean figure. She smiled at him and he blushed. “Hi! I couldn’t stop staring at you you’re so… so beautiful.” He said looking sincerely at her. “Well, you’re not to bad looking yourself. I’m Jenna! What’s your name?” She started getting nervous, for this was the first time in three years she had had an encounter with a man as great looking as him. “Grant Smith,but excuse me for asking, but would you like to go out for dinner?” He asked looking hopeful. “Sure, but I have to find a babysitter for my kids,” she said quietly. “Okay… We could always have dinner with your kids with us!” He said hopefully. “ That’s actually a great idea. When should we have dinner?” she questioned. “How about… Tomorrow?” He said. “Sounds Great!” she said. “What’s your number so I can tell you where to go for dinner!” he suggested. “Okay!” she said. They exchanged phones and numbers. After, they said goodbye Jenna rushed home to tell her kids the news.

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