lil bit bout meh

13 0 1

Hello person,
You are either here because
2: you're actually interested in my life

Well, this chappy is about me and MW only. So like this is gonna be a lit time of me just writing so like yea.

Imma do some facts about me cause why not??
1. My name is Kay
2. I'm smolish I'm 5'3
3. I'm biracial (half white half black)
4. I'm a cheerleader
5. I have v bad anxiety
6. I take medicine for it
(Zoloft to be exact)
7. I can kinda sing
8. I'm pansexual
9. I got myself a HAwt girlfriend her name is Syd.
10. I'm in a ldr with her.
11. Tøp and supernatural are my religion
12. I have 5 sisters
13. I'm out to my mom and a few close friends
14. I'll be 15 in exactly 2months
(Its July 18th BTW)
15. I have to pee really bad rn.
Well yea gotta know me so this was lit but imma go pee so BYE FENDS.

Its gonna be hella weird if no one reads this but Oh wellzzzz✌

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