Chapter 1

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Author's Note:

 Hi, so thanks for reading this fictional writing. Please note this does not at all contain any true events. Also, there are mature themes in this fiction, so please be warned. This is also my first fiction about DanisnotonFire and Amazing Phil so if you see any inconsistencies with their personalities please notify me with a comment. Your feedback is what fuels me. Thanks. 


"Mph... Oh, wow Phil... Yeah, just like that! Jesus, that's it... that's AUGH!" 


 "What in the fuck?!" Dan shouted into the floor pain and aches popping up across his body. He had fallen out of bed. Again. He heard the patter of running feet before a the familiar voice of his best friend began babbling. 

"Dan, are you ok? What happened? Did you fall again? My god that's like the third time this week!"Phil said in quick bursts as his helped his friend stand.  

"Yeah, yeah. i'm okay. Let me just shove all of my bones back into their sockets. Ow." Dan surveyed his bed. It looked like a bloody war zone. His pillows were nowhere to be seen, his bedspread had managed to find it's way across the room and his sheets were barely still hanging on to the sides of the mattress. 

"Can I ask who you had the pillow fight with? Phil asked. Dan turned around to see that his pillow had about five or six holes ripped into it. 

Holy shit. Dan thought. I fucking bit them.  "Oh that's nothing don't worry about it."

"Dan, are you sure you're o-"

"Yeah, I am. Let's go get some breakfast." Dan said heading for his closet.

"Uh, Dan?"

"What?!" Dan whined, not even bothering to turn around. 

"It's like three in the morning. We can't get some food yet." Phil said, sounding wounded as he watched Dan face-palm. 

"Ugh. Stupid fucking no good son of a bitchin' sun!" Dan cursed as he started to look around his room to find the other pillow. 

"Wait, Dan. This would be a perfect vlogging moment. Don't. You. Move." Phil warned as he took off to grab their camera.

Dan groaned and walked over to the side of his bed. Half of him wanted to tell Phil to fuck off and he just make his bed and go to some twenty-four hour market and make friends with a hooker. While the other half of him wanted to give Phil his happiness of vlogging his demonic state of a bed. When Phil came bouncing back into the room with a wide grin plastered on his face and Dan's heart started beating twice as fast, Dan knew which half won.  

"Okay, ready?" Phil asked, setting the camera down. "Go ahead and do the intro, it's already filming." 

"Hey, guys...sss." Dan said, giving the camera a glare. 

"Sooo, Danny Boy-"

"Don't call me that."

"Danny- Poo?"

"That's disgusting."

"Daddy Dan?"

"That's kinky, but doesn't work. They call you Dad remember?" Dan smiled as Phil grimaced. 

"So many children... so much responsibility..."Phil's eyes went wide. 

"So much child support." Dan grinned as Phil pretended to start crying. 

"Anyways, my financial debt isn't the reason why we are vlogging at bloody three in the morning. Look at what Dan did to his bed!" Phil stepped out of the frame, showing the camera and all of YouTube the damage. "What kind of dream even causes this?!" 

Dan went red, but knew he couldn't give Phil any other indications as to why he really kicked off the sheets. "Just nightmares about me having to pay for all of your child support and your house plant addiction! The horrors I saw! I am a changed man..." Dan said to Phil in a grave voice as Phil laughed. 

"Well, yeah we shall check in with you guys later. Bye!" Phil said to the camera before pretending to eat it. "Dan, that'll be a hit! Thank god for my over abundance of baby mamas and plants!" 

Dan chucked, "Yeah.Good idea of vlogging it." 

Phil then gave Dan a sympathetic look. "What are you really dreaming about Dan? What's so scary that you do this?" Phil said, motioning towards the ruined bed. 

"I don't know... I-I forget when I wake up." Dan lied. Avoiding Phil's gaze. He didn't forget. His dream was seared onto his brain. Nobody would ever make him forget it. The touches... the moans... Phil's hot -


"HUH?! WHAT?" 

"Were you listening?" Phil sighed, frustrated. 

"Uh... no. Sorry I was thinking." Dan said to the speck of dust besides Phil. 

"I was saying that later on we will order you new pillow cases and such online. I don't think your bed spread made it through the night either." Dan looked closely and noticed a huge hole in his blanket, he groaned. "Until then you can sleep on my bed." 

"No, I can't let you do that. The couch is a back killer. Besides I can sleep without a blanket for a night or two.  " Dan said quickly. 

"Alright, if you insist. Well, I'm tired I'm going to bed. " Phil said. "My offer still stands until you get your bed stuff." Phil then picked up the camera and walked to his room. Dan waited until he heard the groan of Phil's mattress settling before he headed to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, Dan looked into his own eyes and made a promise to himself. He wouldn't let the fans know that he was attracted to Phil. He couldn't let them know it finally happened. He finally shipped... "It". 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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