Lost in The Ocean

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Her body was sprawled, thrown out by the sea. She laid on the shore for everyone to see. Her skin was blue, and her hazelnut eyes were glazed off into oblivion. I ran to her, only to crumble down in agonizing pain. The dead body of my love laid there. Alone, cold, and dead.

I chased after my love. Her long skinny bare legs running from me. Her thick brown straight hair that went down to her back kept slapping at her ghostly white face. That incandescent oval shaped face had high defined cheek bones, round full pink lips, almond shaped hazelnut eyes, and a small button nose. Her royal blue dress flapped against her skin as she as she ran from me. I finally caught up with her, and grabbed her pulling her into my arms.

"I love you." She said. That was the last thing she said to me. That was the last time I saw the women who held my heart.

My love who loved the sea, was killed by it. Swallowing her, only to spit her body back out. The waves threw her like she was nothing.

I sail the sea for her. The sea is the only connection I have left to her. She loved it, she is the sea. I sail it alone, and in the cold. I would do anything for her. I steer the ship. Having no destination, no plans, all I do is sail the open sea.

I stepped away from the wooden steering wheel of the ship; to walk to the edge of the boat, gazing into the water. Suddenly the boat hit a bump, and I was knocked into the water. The situation did not sink in for several minutes. I was in the ocean, and my boat was floating away. I could take the easy route, let myself die, and get to see her again. The thought of death began to intrigue me. That beautiful face I could hold once more, but my human instincts were stronger. The need for survival took over. I was grabbing for anything, something to pull me out, but there was nothing there. I was going to drown whether I wanted to or not. The ship was to far. I was becoming tired. I was panting, and gasping for air, trying to stay above the water. It was no use it was stronger than me. My body gave out. The water engulfed my lungs, my body was to numb to move. Everything around me was becoming hazy, images blurring together. FInally I blacked out.

That is when I saw her.She wore a long white dress, and she looked the same as she did when she was alive.

“Help is on the way.” She mouthed to me. She took a hold of my hand and pulled me to surface.

“He is not breathing.” A panicked voice boomed.

“Keep going. The coast guard is on there way.” My chest was being was being pressed into, repeatedly. Finally water came out of my mouth. Spewing everywhere.

“Hes awake!”  

I talked to the two older men. They had both lost their love’s as well. They sailed in memory of the ones that they loved. They told me instead of fitting her lose, I should embrace it. Sail for her.

That is what  I would sail for her, and not let death try to take me again, it would not be what she would want. I sail the ocean for her. I sail alone, and cold. I still sail.

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