Park Jimin - Miracles In December - Part 1

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A/N: Hiyaaaa! :D I made this fanfiction for @jamjampark ! <3 In honor of all the poor supporting characters in Korean dramas that never had their chance with the main character. ;) Also, YES, I took an EXO song title for the title of this, because it just fit so well. >~< FIGHT MEH! Anyways, enjoy, people xD

I was unable to breathe. He finally said it.

How long have I been waiting for him to finally say those three words: "I love you.". Words that could mean the whole world to someone, even though they really are just mere words. How come those words have to mean so much to me? Why do I always have to feel it within me?

The worst part is when you realize you love someone only when it's too late...

-"I love you..."

I heard those words slip out of Jimin's mouth that night, as I stood there, dumbfounded. My heart kept pounding harder and harder in my chest; I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I suddenly felt my stomach turn upside down. I wanted to run away.

His eyes were serious, but profound and honest. His gaze seemed to pierce through my soul like daggers. Is that what they meant by love hurts?

I feel like if I'm in some sort of a crappy Korean drama, where everything for the main character happened predictably. Although now, I think I understand a bit more how the supporting cast's character feel like. Though most of the time, the public votes for the two main characters as the best match. I can't blame them, since it's what's meant to be, right? Though in all honesty, I wonder how the story would turn if the supporting character had a chance. What if it's that character that wins him or her over? Is it even possible? I wonder.

I looked up at Jimin hence again, my heart pounding painfully.

-"I love you too."

And at that moment, my heart tore apart. In the end, he only had eyes for her.

Not me.

I saw Jimin's mouth curving up into a wide smile, his eyes smiling along with him. He's so cute, it makes me want to run in his arms and beg him to take me instead. But of course, that's not how the average drama goes like, right? Usually, the girl would run away in tears. The guy would hesitate on whether he should bother running after her, or just let her be.

But I decided something worse.

-"Congratulations to the both of you..." I said, beaming a bright smile. "I knew you'd look super cute together!"

Jimin looked up at me, his beautiful, almond eyes locked on mine. He smiled at me softly.

-"Thanks you so much, (Y/N)!" He said, sounding both nervous and excited at once. He then came closer to me, whispering. "Really... I couldn't of done it without your help. I owe you one!" He said without waiting for my answer,  turning his back to me to bring his newfound love into warm hug. Their backs turned from me, they slowly walked away together, Jimin's arm over her shoulder, and her cuddled up next to him happily.

I envied her so much.

And that's when he left, leaving me all alone in this beautiful Christmas night, although to me, it seemed far too dark and cold to be outside. It was a lonely night. I looked up at the sky, gazing up at the moon. It was full, accompanied by many stars. I usually loved the sight of such a clear, beautiful sky, but in this case, it just pissed me off even more.

-"Even the moon has all the stars to accompany him every night. The hell do I have?"  I ranted, falling upon the park swing. I sat there, and thought, thought, and thought some more. Thinking to the point it drove me insane. To the point all I could see was him, even after all I've just been through.

-"How could he... How could he have thought I was okay?" I thought to myself, my eyes suddenly getting watery. "How could he... Just leave me here. How did he never realize I..." And before I knew it, I broke down into loud cries, all the hurt I've been holding in coming out all at once. My feelings exploded, unable to contain the pain any longer. 

"He never loved me."

"He only saw me as his friend."

"How stupid could I have looked to him."

"How could I have thought I was good enough?"

Those thoughts filled my head, making me sob louder. But wait... It wasn't over. My mind wasn't done thinking.

"But... I was there for him."

"How could he have never noticed?"

"Is he just dense, or that uninterested?"

"Why couldn't it be me...?"

I buried my face in my hands, trying to contain the scream of frustration that wanted too burst out. Pulling my hair anxiously, my breathing started to calm down, my tears becoming fewer, at the very least. My eyes were red and puffy. I was a mess.

-"Jimin...?" I whispered softly. "Why did it have to be you...?"

As I whispered those words softly, I felt my eyes getting heavier. The cold of the night was intensifying, but somehow, I couldn't find the motivation to get up.

-"I'm... tired." I then whispered, my eyes slowly closing as my head rested upon the chain of the swing, slowly falling asleep.

And as I fell sleep, within the dark abyss I let myself drown into, it was his damn face again. Stop confusing me. Why can't I get you off my mind? Please... Jimin, leave me alone now.

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