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Before I start my book, I think it would be good for all of you to know a little bit about me, since this is mostly about my expierences in life so far. So I want to start with a little introduction.

My name is Madelief, but the name I use online is Pie. I'm 14 years old and I'm going through this time in life people like to call "puberty". I'm Dutch and live in Netherland, so excuse me for grammar mistakes etc.
I'm a Perfectsionist, it has different meanings to people but what it means to me is that I always want to do everything perfectly, and everything has to go as I planned, otherwise I freak out. It's not something really bad. But it's defentily not easy to deal with.
I want to be a game designer when I'm older. Since I write a lot and absolutely love video games, I thought that I could combine the two together for my perfect "dream job"
My wishes: it's quite a list. First of I want to work at a company that makes games when I'm older. I also really want to be mother when I'm old enough for kids. I want to become an actual writer and (as every teenager's dream) meeting the people I look up to. For example, the youtuber Jacksepticeye since he always makes me laugh and helped me through the bad days and the people from Valve who made the game series Portal, their games inspired me to go make video games later as well and I really want to meet the brains behind my favorite game of all time.
My favorite color: I love every color but I preferre blue above all of them
Favorite food: I like pancakes, cake and anything that has chocolate in it
Living conditions: I live at the edge of a village with both my parents. I don't have brothers or sisters but I do have some pets.

I hope this explained a few things about me. I really want to write this book, for myself and for others and I hope this might help some of you out there as well.

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