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"Mama you've already told this story." I say and giggle at mamas silliness. She looks at me with tears in her eyes while her lip quivers, but lifts into a smile. I smile back at her.

"Its okay baby-" She sniffles "Just listen to it one more time for mommy." She whimpers her voice wavering as she spoke.

"Mommy why are you crying?" She looks a little shocked at my question but dismisses it with another smile.

"I'm not crying dear... I-I've got something in my eyes." she wipes her eyes but there were still tears lingering. "Ready for the story Honey?" I nod eagerly. I laid back on my bed ready for the tale my mother was going to tell. "Alright, once upon a time there lived a great Alpha. He was the strongest, smartest, most amazing Alpha of his pack. He kept his pack safe from rogues and other competing packs" She paused starting to get choked up a bit. She bit her lip before continuing " Until he murdered his Luna, Omega, and Beta and half of his pack."

 I gasped at the sudden change in story line. I heard a chuckle come from the doorway. I looked up to see a dark figure leaning against the frame. "Come on don't be scared that's the best part." He says and walks into the moonlight. My mother tenses as he does. Now I could see he was covered in a red substance. I tilted my head to the side trying to look at the substance he was drenched in.

"Please don't touch her please." My mother pleaded. I am very confused as to why she is so scared. Its just a man nothing to fear.

"Oh but Lady Sybil she is my sons mate." My mother fell to her knees while crying into her hands.

"It can't be true!" She cried out holding my hand. I started crying as well. I was confused and scared of this man now. He walked a little closer to my bed. My mom jumped in front of me "Please don't. Take me instead." She pleaded once more before the man pushed her with an incredible force against the wall before looking at me.

"Now your coming with me little one." He cooed. I was thinking as quickly as I could trying to come up with a plan to get away fom this man. Finally I jumped out of the window and started to run. I ran into the forest feeling the damp night air wisp across my face and buzz in my ear as I flew threw the trees. Dashing and jumping through the bushes and trees. Passing by it was a blur. I could hear the man coming closer. Again I jumped but into a passing river.

The cold water cascading around my body made me tense and clench my body as I dipped down into the water. I looked up to see the man searching through the water to find me only to not be lucky. I sucked some breath in quickly then sank back down into the body numbing water.

 I swam under the rivers waves until I came to a small shore and slowly crawled out onto it. I whimpered at the sudden blast of cold air hit me. I huddled into ball until I felt warm hands cuddle me into their chest. I flinched for a second but knew it wasn't the same man. Plus I couldn't fight my muscles so weak and exhausted from the running and the terrifying things that had just happened.

I looked up at the man who picked me up. He was a older man early thirties maybe. He looked straight ahead and I could feel a comforting aura from him. I felt safe, and loved, I felt at home and at peace. Finally I drifted off to sleep.

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