Classic weapons

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Knives, guns, and more. From the 1800's to NOW! Indians were the first tribe/people to make weapons to kill, skin, and eat animal's. Now we use it to win wars or for protection. Read this book and you will know more about "weapons" than you ever did.

Weapons "can" be around you at any point in life. My dad and I go to gun shows at the Florida State Fairground whenever we can. YOU may not live in Florida but you might have a gun show near you! At the fair, there are guns, knives, lasers, and MORE!! Someday you can go to a gun show and you will love it. I bet it's better than siting around playing minecraft all day.

Some house-hold weapons are knives,wood,power tools and fake guns ( nerf guns ).But you are not going to use a nerf gun to kill a zombie. A shotgun will though. So why waste your 23 dollars on a stupid toy that your going to grow out of in a year or two when you could go hunting with a bow and arrow. Which one would you choose? Anyway back to the point. A nerf gun ,if you shot the bullet in the eye , it will not do ANY damage. A REAL bow or gun will DO damage. Comment on your type of house-hold weapon.

What book should I write next , you tell ME.ME.ME.ME.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 29, 2014 ⏰

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