Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

"Well how the hell did the curse become unbroken?" I asked frustrated.

Antonius looked down and sighed, he was obviously annoyed at my lack of knowledge. Luckily though I will learn all I need to know at witch school. I will be attending on Monday, seems so unrealistic how slow the weekend has been going.

Antonius started to speak. "Someone betrayed a witch" he answered.

"Who betrayed a witch?" I ask.

Antonius was defiantly annoyed by my curious questions.

"Well how am I supposed to know!" Antonius shouted.

I ignored his comment and started thinking.

"Trent, do you think your dad set off the curse? He betrayed us by attacking us earlier today" I asked Trent.

"Haha no. Only someone with werewolf blood can set off the curse" he laughed.

I felt embarrassed, how am I to know every little detail? I really thought I was onto something too, but it's probably just a stupid idea that they will laugh at.

"How do you know that? I thought you didn't go to witch school?"

"It's called the Internet, Scarlett" he laughed as he emphasized the word "Internet" and said it slowly as if I had never heard the word before.

I smirked, because FYI I do know what the Internet is!

"I'm fine now so I'm heading home" I said. I got up off the bed, I started to wobble and I felt dizzy. Then Trent came and held me up.

"Careful, Scarlett. You sure you can get home?" he asked.

I really felt like being alone but truth was, I was in no state to walk home.

I nodded.

"If you have anymore information about our wolf problem, could you tell me?" I asked.

Antonius nodded, and quickly turned around. He was obviously waiting for the moment that I'd leave.

I turned around and followed Trent as he led me to his car.

I sat down and leaned against the car window. I turned on the radio and smiled listening to my favorite song. Listening to music almost felt like my life was normal again.

I sat up straight and looked at Trent.

"Are there celebrities that are like us or that have special abilities?" I asked, and I was curious to know the answer.

"There's two that I know of for sure" he paused.

"Lady Gaga isn't from earth she's an alien found on the moon back in 1967" he said.

I laughed and said "are you serious?"

Then he gave me a look, he wasn't joking. I wonder what happened to her when she first arrived on earth.

"What if she plans an alien attack?" I say sarcastically.

He turns down the radio since it was pretty loud. Then he hits the horn and starts swearing, even though no one except me can hear him.

"There's people for that. They keep an eye out to see if she acts strange or try's to do something crazy" he says.


"Isn't she already crazy? She acts strange and she does do pretty weird stuff!" I say.

"That's why the government is deciding if she's sending a message through her crazy wardrobe" he says then laughs.

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