Halloween Roleplay

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This is a roleplay for halloween. The same rules for roleplaying apply like they always have:

1. No "chatting", which means you cannot say *spills drink*. Instead, you go,  "Clumsily, Isolation tripped over her feet and spilled the drink on the counter." (<-Excuse grammar mistakes. I'm not the best writer. xD)

2. Secondary characters-something other than your own character-are allowed, and may be permanent. There is no limit on this, either. Just don't get carried away... (This should probably be my rule. If you wanna see why: http://roguesituations.freeforums.net/index.cgi?board=general&action=display&thread=91&page=1 )

3. No ghosting anyone's character's-which means controlling someone's character when they didn't even do what was said-unless you have permission.

Now, let me give you a lesson on ghosting. I am going to be the bad guy in this, and Joe is going to be the good guy. xD Pay close attention, please.

Joe: Joe and Casey walked slowly through the abandoned warehouse. Avoiding glass, they searched with their flashlights until one caught a gleam.

Me: Marie (<-Shush. xD) suddenly stepped out from the shadows and smiled at the two. She was eerie with her natural golden eyes, and something about her was off. But, Joe decided to step forwards anyways to greet her.

See the last part? Yeah, that was ghosting. Some ghosting would be tiny things, like saying that Casey smiled, but it only gets annoying after a while. So, yeah. Don't do ghosting. :) (Note: You can repeat what someone said in the past. Like, for example, if Joe did actually step forwards, then you can add that.)

4. No playing god. That goes along with ghosting, and saying that everyone's attention is on you.

Let me give another lesson on this. I'm going to use the JMC (Joe, Marie, Casey) example and show you what playing god is. Then, at the end, I will tell you what to do to avoid it.

Joe: Joe needed to show the world what he and Casey had discovered. A werewolf! Man, he never thought he'd never live to see the day!

Me: Marie watched as Joe went to leave and panic flooded through her. She grabbed onto Joe's wrist and pulled him into her fragile body.

^^That last sentence was god playing. Sometimes, this can end up being ghosting, too. But, anyways, playing god is where you don't give somebody a chance to respond. So, instead of saying that she grabbed onto Joe's wrist, say that she motioned (Or another word for that) to grab for Joe's wrist. That gives them time to reply in the next post. :)

5. Don't be unrealistic, and this could go many different ways. For example, you cannot have ten million powers all at once, and you cannot save someone if they're hours away from reach. Also, you cannot dodge every punch that someone throws at you and you can't be invincible unless it makes the topic fun for all.

6. Don't steal ideas, please. Sure, there can be multiple ones about going to clubs but doing the exact same thing on a different thread is really annoying.

7. I highly reccommend no swearing (bleep it out!), but no sexual content is allowed, period. Sorry, but website rules are website rules.

8. Please role play like you're writing a book. I understand that you can make grammar mistakes and spelling errors, but without these things, I'm afraid that it will be hard to read.

^^Spelling errors and grammar mistakes are fine. It's just annoying when people write like this:

Joe walked towards the door with fear running through him he didn't, understand what was behind it so he was scared! Ahh!!

9. Please don't role play in first person, otherwise it's confusing.

10. You may switch perspectives, but be careful. (<- ***** or ________ helps)

11. Do not steal any characters from roleplaying unless you're writing a book about your character. I do not know what I'd do if I saw Jeremy or Damion or Isolation somewhere else.

12. No text talk, please. :) (2 instead of too, u instead of you, and all that shiz.)

We all make some mistakes, sometimes, so don't feel bad when I say that you're ghosting, god playing, or something. Just try to fix it and everything will be okay. :)

^^ Roleplay rules. Now, describe your costume below and we will begin. ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2013 ⏰

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