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"OK I'm just gonna go on instagram for a sec." Aphmau said. One hour later.........."Omg! How dare her post a picture of him! I used to like him! Well used to!!!" "Anyways its not my fault, I thought he liked me!!! I mean he did look my way at school!!?" "At least I thought he did....but KNOWING him for SOOO long! He was probably looking at Granite. My enemy since preschool! And this is 8TH GRADE! EESH does she ever give it a break?!" "What.EVER! Ya know she can have Him! But I mean come on Aphmau. *talking to self* Everyone! I mean EVERYONE has a crush. But. Me." (Sad) (maybe depressed ). "WHO AT SCHOOL IS CUTE!?" " Let's think.... Chris? Nah. He has Jasmine and they look cute together. Don't wanna break that up. Luke?! He is. Meh? Plus he used to like me."
"Okay I'm gonna get off now. I'll go to school tomorrow and look there, and if I see someone I'll try and talk to them. Geez this is a depressing way to end the day. No. Crush. (Moon comes up), 10 hours later (Sun comes up. Moon goes down). "IT'S SCHOOL! Crush here I come!" *Maybe*.

Instagram CrushDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora