Detached and Forgotten (Niall Horan)

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Isabella"s POV

*Buzz* *Buzz* *Buzz* .........


i wake up to the sound of someone trying to skype me on my laptop. so i get up out of my comfy position in my bed to see who it is.

"Hello?" i ask into the blank screen infront of me. yet no one answes! "HELLO!!!" i ask again but louder

"BOO!!!" some one screames into the camera and i jump back a little but once i see the very familiar face in the camera i sceame with joy

"Cece!!!" i scream into the camera as she starts to giggle as i see my bestfriend in the camera

"Hey Izzy!!" she says back smilling "can i ask you a serious question?" she speaks again with a serious face

"yes anything, anything i promise!" i say getting a little tence

all of the suden she smiles then sreams "CAN YOU COME TO A ONE DIRECTION CONCERT WITH ME TONIGHT?!"

As soon as i heard 'One Direction' my face droped. i havent really thought about it untill now. well i cant blame Cece cause she dosent know about him but why dose this have to come up now. just as i was starting to froget about him and the past that we had

"IZZY!!!?? whats wrong you like zoned out or somthing" she said as i looked back at her, she was laughing

"Oh what ya sure what kind of seats do you have?" in my head i was repeating over and over the two words i didnt want to hear the most and those words were fr-

"FRONT ROW!!! babe isnt that the best i got us fucking front row seats!!!"

there you have it the very two words i didnt wanna hear

" why are you not exited?" she asked her face droping a bit

"oh no Cece im so so so so exited i was just thinking of... what.. i was going to wear!!" i said not really knowing if she was going to buy it.

"oh my god...... i totaly frogot about my outfit, oh my goodness thank god i have you babe, well ill see you this weekend i have to go to work, bye babe luv ya"

Crap i forgot about work i have to be there in twenty minuets!!!

i raced to my bathroom almost triping over my own feet three times and striped down and jumped in the shower and turned on the water, but of corse the water was freezing cold and i let out a shrill scream , and turned the water too hot and almost burned all of my skin off! i just have a feeling that today is going to be a bad day.

(*AT WORK*) *Starbucks*

"hello welcome to Starbucks how can i help you today" i politely ask a quite atractive boy with curly brown hair and beautiful green eyes

"ello love can i have three carmle mocha frapachinos and three regular coffees with a bluebarry muffin thank you that will be all.' he said in one big breath that i might add smelled of mint and... strawbarries?

i must have bin staring at him, cause i had just relised i hadnt moved or done anyhting till he cleared his throught. Oops!

"Oh im sorry, um oh can i have your name from the order please?" i said with a small laugh at the end

"oh right umm harry styles" he said kind of hesitent then flinched like he was scared i was going to do something

"what??!!" i asked still looking kind of scared

"wait you not freaking out?" he asked looking confused

"no why would i"

"dont you kno- well nevermind its cool but im kind of in a hurry soo..." he trailled off looking around behind him. i was wondering why he was acting so wierd then it clicked i thought i saw his face somewhere. Oh god if part of his 'group' was here then he shouldnt be far behind... next thing i know i heard the door open and i see him and the rest of the group walk in. god why dose this world hate me so much. just so he wouldnt see me i ran to get harry his drinks and muffin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2014 ⏰

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