Chapter 1

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             My parent's had this big thing about wanting me to be better than they are. Not only the fact that they didn't finish highschool but they didn't get to do the things in life that they really wanted to so i guess they wanted me to keep my word to them. Hi my name is Becc i go to HighGates Highschool i just moved back to Minnesota. This is where the story starts of finding the end.

"Hey Becc, Welcome back to Minnesota!"

"Hey Paris actually it's pretty great except my bully still lives here."

"I thought you knew Quince wasn't moving?"

"Why does he always have to beat me up i have never done anything to him, not once ..."

Seconds later i feel a cold hand grabbing my wrist and whip me around. It was Quince.

"Hey Sweetheart did you miss me?"

"Not one bit!", I spat.

His hands getting tighter i felt my self whimpering in pain. I starting crying asking him to leave me alone and one thing lead to the other i was shoved into a wall. My vision was coming back thinking to myself i wondered "why isn't anyone helping me someone do something!". Quince picked me up by my shirt and pulled my face in close.

"I bet you missed this didn't you sweetheart."

i turned my head to see a very pissed off Aaron. Seconds later Aaron grabbed Quince by his neck and punched him in the face, As Quince was falling Aaron managed to keep me from falling.

"Dude i don't know what your problem is but you better get this through your goddamn head if you lay another finger on her your dead you hear me i will literally fucking kill you!"

Aaron picked me up and started carrying me to the Nurse's Office, I was slowly feeling myself getting all droopy then my whole body shut down.

The very next day i came to, i was in my room i was so confused to see a sleeping Aaron in my room!

A/N: Hey guys just wanted to know what you guys think of this if it's crap then tell me lol i'm up for any suggestions just leave a comment telling me what i need to work on chapters will be way longer then this in the future that's a big promise also i promise to add a new chapters at least every two weeks if people are actually liking the story thank you very much for reading XOXO - Ashe <3


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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