Imagine: Zayn Malik

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Hey guys, this is my first ever imagine... And it's for my friend Shania... Hope you like it! :)xx

#Imagine Zayn

You are at a backstage meet and greet and you are excited to finally meet the person responsible for your happiness. You were almost at a hyperventilating stage when Harry came up and said " hey love, is that an autograph book?" And you reply "y y yes!!" Once he signed it he passed it on to Louis, Liam, Niall and finally the Zayn Malik. You couldn't hold your excitement any longer so you told him "I love you, you're the reason I have this smile literally stuck to my face every single moment of the day!!" He replies "aww really love?" He asks "what's your name love?" Your conscience tells you "I love it when he calls me love!" You reply to him saying "Shania." And with that he signs your book, cd, and t-shirt... Once you got home from the concert you saw the page Zayn had signed, but you then realized it had a number. So you decided to call it, (ring ring ring)...

"Hello" a deep and accented voice said.

"Hi, who is this?" You asked.

"This is Zayn Malik" he said...

"OMG! Really?" You say trying to hide your excitement...

"Yes, I would really like to see you sometime soon. If you don't mind..." Says Zayn.

"I would love it!" You say

Then you heard the words you'd been wanting to hear your entire life... "Alright Shania, I'll pick you up on Friday at 6:30pm"

You reply.." Ok!, I'll text you my address right now!" And with that he hung up saying "I can't wait to see you Love!"


It was already 4:30 and you couldn't wait to see Zayn! He was so sweet and you couldn't believe he had asked you out on a date! You had already showered and you were wondering what to wear, then at that moment you realized that it didn't matter what you wore. So you went into your closet and chose to wear some black skinny jeans with a white and blue lace shirt and your black TOMS. Soon enough you turned your head to your clock and saw it was already 6:00 and said " damn I got lost in my thoughts!" You heard your iPhone ring and saw it was a message from Zayn saying "I'm almost ready, I'll be leaving to your house in 10 minutes. Can't wait to see you xx." With that you remembered to send him your address cause you were to excited. So you replied with "I can't wait to see you too. My address is 345 west Sharon place, see you soon Zayn xx." And with that you went to the living room to wait for Zayn. Fifteen minutes later you heard a doorbell ring, so you got up to answer the door and saw it was Zayn he was wearing some tan colored chinos with a red jersey jacket over his white t-shirt and some blue supras. You told him "you look nice!" He then replied "you look even better." With that you two were off to his black Bentley. Once you got in the car Zayn said "Shania, do you mind putting this blindfold on?" You answered "for what?" "Just put it on, it's a surprise!" He said. "Ok ok" you said laughing. Soon you felt the car come to a stop and Zayn tells you "Ok we're here, but hold on." You felt a car door close on your left and then felt your door being opened and felt a soft, warm hand take a hold of yours and you were soon out of the car and onto a warm blanket or sheet. Soon afterwards you heard Zayn say "Shania, you can now take the blindfold off" so you did. And what you saw in front of you left you speechless. Zayn had prepared a night picnic. With a warm chicken soup and some delicious bacon biscuits. Once you had the words to speak up you told Zayn...

"Wow Zayn this is beautiful!"

He replied, "not as beautiful as you!"

You suddenly felt his warm and plump lips onto yours. You did what you had always dreamed of, you wrapped your arms around his neck and he deepened the kiss and snaked his arms around your waist. Soon enough you had to come up for air and you cupped his face with your small hands and opened his mouth and said...

"I love you Shania!"

You replied to him saying, "I love you too Zayn!" And with that you both ate the delicious meal Zayn had prepared.

~1 year later~

That night Zayn asked you to be his girlfriend and you without having to think about it twice said "yes!"

Today was your 1 year anniversary. Zayn again had a surprise date for you. He had taken you to your favorite restaurant in London named the "London Bistro"

Once you arrived to the restaurant he had a reservation and the head waitress asked "reservation name please?" He answered "Zayn Malik"

You two were immediately taken to your table. It was setup with a white tablecloth, the centerpiece was a small vase with little red roses. Soon your dinner was brought out and as you were both enjoying the food Zayn spoke up.

"Shania, I know we've only been dating 1 year but I feel as if I've known you for my entire life, you complete me, on this last tour I felt empty without you by my side. I want to wake up to you everyday, seeing you smile is my motivation!" "I love you!"

"Zayn, what are you saying?" You asked, somewhat knowing where he was going with his beautiful words.

Getting out of the booth and kneeling down on one knee he said, "Shania, will you give me the honor of making me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife?"

You got up and pulled him up to almost eye level, cause he was taller and kissed his soft lips and replied saying "Yes, yes a million times yes Zayn!"

And with that you two began planning your wedding. Two years into your marriage you became pregnant and had your first son. You named him Jackson Malik. And you both lived happily ever after, soon having had a daughter named Jamie Malik.


Thanks for reading please FAV & COMMENT!!!! Please follow my twitter account @andie_m_payne

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2016 ⏰

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