Forever Is A Lie

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~I will be with you forever.~
~I will be with you always.~
~Best friends forever/ Friends forever.~

Do you believe in them? Really? Cause I don't. How can you be so stupid to believe in them? I mean I can't possibly blame you because these are the lies everyone are forced to believe. And they do. Blindly they believe these lies.
Don't judge me I have my own reasons for saying this. I mean has anyone ever proven that they will always be here or they will be here forever? No they haven't.

Tell me what is forever? What is always? Do they even exist? What makes you believe in them? How are you so sure that they exist?

Have you ever fallen in a love so deep that you just want to forget everything else and just stay with that person always? Was it your first love? Come on don't be shy, it was, wasn't it? Your first love. As magical as it sounds I am sure it felt the same. The one who made you believe in love, in a forever in the first place. And also the one who left you heartbroken. I am sure there are very few people who are with their first love but what about the others? The others who believed that they would have their first love with them forever but were proven wrong? Your first love left you promising you a forever. Is that what forever feels like? Or is that he at forever is?

Have you had a friendship so deep that you promised to be friends forever? Like BFFs? But I am sure you will agree with me that the friend whom you claimed your best friend in kindergarten is now a stranger to you. The one with whom you shared your color pencils is now painting their own story and you don't even have a idea about it. Is that forever? I don't think so.

What about those children whose parents promised them that they will be with them forever but left them? Those children whose dad were supposed to be their superhero forever left them hanging? Or those whose mothers were supposed to be their support system throughout everything but left them? Is that what forever feels like?

So tell me now. Does forever and always still feel magical? Do you still believe in them? Do you still think that there exists a person out there who will come into your life and give you a 'forever', like Augustus came into Hazel's life and gave her a 'forever'. But at the end of the day Augustus is just a fictional character and 'The Fault In Our Stars' is just a story.
And Forever is just a lie.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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