Loving Thru The Seasons

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A new romance was blooming.

Like every lover wonders could their love make it through the seasons?

The seasons saw what was coming.

They came together and formed a game, seeing which season could bring destruction to this love.

Their love began in the spring.

And just like spring their love was bright and joyous and care-free.

The gentle breeze blowing sweet memories and affection into their minds and hearts causing their love to grow.

But as we all know spring has its rainy days nothing to serious though.

The sun cleared away any gloomy clouds just as their love cleared away any misunderstandings.

Spring never being much of a downer let the game slip away.
On to summer.

Could a love like theirs survive the heat?

Just like at the start of summer everyone is joyous laughter all around just like the two lovers

by mid summer the heat is unbearable summer is being dreaded

The two young lovers faced alot of problems letting the heat to over come they begain to wonder why they were together.

Summer might of won if it hadnt had their love been weaker.

Seeing their love progress caused summer to allow a rainy day on the last day of the season.

The lovers saw the rain and their smiles began to grow.

They through away their summer stress and remembered dear old spring.

They shared a hug and a simple kiss and that is how they welcomned fall. The leaves began to change the days were getting colder but they had eachother to keep warm.

Fall never being one to play along being the wisest made it easy on them.

The lovers were allowed to let their love consume them this season nothing but joy filled their lives.

They were happy and all through fall noone had a complaint.

But all good things come to an end. The days grew colder and snow began to fall.

Winter had arrived and it came ready to play having waited so long.

The lovers faced painful times full of cold days and chilly nights but they with stood.

Winter was never a good player so the lovers eaily withstood the cold even with their troubles they with stood and kept eachother warm all through winter.

They had done it.

They had survived the seasons.

They had stumbled here and there but each time they got back up.

They took on the rainy days,the blazing heat,the cold winds,and snow storms.

They had won, on seeing this the seasons circumed to defeat.

The seasons came and past for two years with an ocassional test here and their.

The seasons couldnt help it every now and then.

On their second year winter had just ended their third spring was here.

The lovers so sure it would pass good just as the others and so it did each day brought joy.

But on the last day of spring their was a storm it took them all by surprise.

Their love was drowned.

They watched it wash away to everyones surprise.

Spring was the winner.

For two whole year it pretended to be a friend and when the other season forgot about the game it did what it does best and sprung upon the two young lovers.

They all had been fooled.

The other seasons never thinking spring would end them.

Summer came with heartache and tear filled nights just like the lovers this year summer was unruly.

One day blazing heat.

The next being cold and rainy.

Clearly resentful toward spring.

As summer end fall came on full force.

Hazardous winds and horrible storms having lost its self control.just as the young couple had but as time passed falls wisdom came to and just like the young man understandment grew.

It was over and the time to move on had come.

When winter came everyone took shelter just as the young women winter lost control hurting everything in reach but as the days passed on the young woman grew in maturity and just liked winter learned to let it pass.

It pained her to say goodbye but she had to let it go.

Winter came to an end both people were still hurt but now they had an understanding, they had to let it go.

Spring had won,their love had died.

Perhaps they should have been more careful since spring had happily welcomed their love it only seem fit that the host also be the one to see it out.


just a side note i dont believe seasons have feelings or minds just how this ended up turning out hope you enjoy

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