Meeting The Parents

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Important Authors Note at the bottom! Enjoy! ;) x



"Oi! Sorry!"




"Listen here you little piece of shit..." Veronica trailed off, looking at Jay.

"If you keep stepping on the back of my shoe, my shoe would end up somewhere else." She finished threatning. Jay nodded, looking scared. She turned around satisfied as she tangled her fingers with mine.

We were heading back from the studio as it was around four.

"Ready for tomorrow?" I whispered into her ear. I felt her arm have goosebumps as she shivered and turned a bright shade of red. I love how I have that affect on her.

"What effect?" She whispered back.

I said that out loud?

"Well every time I whisper in your ear, you automatically shiver, get goosebumps and turn red." I smiled.

"No I do not!" She protested. I raised an eyebrow at her and she immediatly smiled in embarrassment and turned red.

"Your so mean!" She pushed my chest lightly.

"Awe, come on!" I laughed as I jogged to catch up with her.

"It's cute!"

"No it's not! It's embarrassing for me!" She pouted.

"My wittle strawberry!" I said in a baby voice.

"My wittle Sloth!" She copied.

"A sexy Sloth!" I smirked.

"Keep telling yourself that, Sykes." She patted my shoulder.

"I will! Just like you think the same thing." I smirked as she gasped and turned around.

"What's that suppose to mean?!" She exclaimed.

"Nothing." I smiled as I kept on walking towards the van.




"READY?!" Nathan yelled from the living room.

"YEAH! BE THERE IN A SEC!" I yelled back from my room. I was getting ready to meet Nathan's parents.

I wore a see through black sleeved crop but the sleeves went up to my elbows. Since it was see through, I had a white tank top underneath. I also wore light pink skinnys and black Toms. A bit of mascara was added but that's all.

"COMING!" I yelled in a cheery voice, as I slipped on the bracelet that Nathan had given to me on our first date. He said he saw it in the store and just knew it would look perfect on me. Ofcourse I turned red! It's like my natural instict to turn red!

"Beautiful and amazing as ever." Nathan complimented as he looked me over.

There goes the heat, rising up my cheeks.


"NUUU!!!! DON'T SAY IT!" I yelled running out the door to save myself from humiliation.

I heard him laugh which made the atmosphere feel even more warmer than what it already was. He locked the door before returning to my side.

"Your so adorable. Let's go!" We entered the lobby after the elevator had opened. We went through the back as always since there was fans.

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